European Politics & Culture ca. 1750
The Enlightenment
Pre-Revolutionary France & The French Revolution
The French Revolution
Who is Chris Harman?
Chris Harman is a historian who writes about World History through a Marxist perspective
What did the kings use to justify their power during the Age of Absolutism?
Divine Right of Kings
What changed in the way people thought about politics during the Enlightenment?
While people could not challenge authority because everyone believed in the Divine Rights of Kings, the Enlightenment introduced reason to the people to challenge authority for the first time.
What is a revolution?
A change for the better
Why did the revolutionaries storm the Castle of the Bastille?
Because the Castle represented the king's power over the people, and the people needed gunpowder
Describe Marxism
Marxism is the theory that all conflict in the world is rooted in the tension between the powerful and the powerless, or the rich and the poor.
What is the purpose of government?
To make laws and make decisions for a community or society
Define the Enlightenment
The Enlightenment is an era in which people used reason to challenge authorities in politics.
The difference between political & non-political revolutions
Political-overthrowing of the government, usually violent Non-political- change in ideas or technology
What are two causes of the French Revolution?
1. King Louis XVI taxed the Third Estate unfairly 2. The Enlightenment inspired people to challenge absolute authority.
Harman believes that human beings are naturally...?
selfless, not selfish.
Describe the Middle Ages
During the Middle Ages, there was not a lot of intellectual activity, and people lived in a feudal system where the lords of the land kept peasants as slaves to work the land.
Which two institutions had the most influence on how people in Europe lived before the Enlightenment?
The Catholic Church and absolute monarchs
Describe the Third Estate
made up 97% of the French population, owned 65% of the land paid all the taxes in France
What is the name of the document that the revolutionaries wrote to declare that all men should have equal rights?
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
TRUE OR FALSE: Chris Harman came up with the theory of Marxism
FALSE - Karl Marx, not Chris Harman, came up with the theory of Marxism
What happened during the Protestant Reformation?
Martin Luther challenged the Catholic Church for their use of indulgences and lying to the people for money, and translated the Bible into a language that everyone could read in.
TRUE OR FALSE: the Age of Enlightenment is after the Middle (Dark) Ages
FALSE - the Age of the Enlightenment is BEFORE the Middle Ages
What percentage of land did the First and Second Estate own combined?
TRUE OR FALSE: France became a democracy after the French Revolution
FALSE - France diverted into a constitutional monarchy
What is the title of Chris Harman's book that we are reading parts of in class?
A People's History of the World
Describe the Renaissance?
During the Renaissance, people traded with others and made enough money to have time and room to think about culture. During this time, merchants started to rebuild their cities to look beautiful.
What are three causes of the Age of Enlightenment?
1. The Protestant Reformation & Scientific Revolution, 2. Increased book literacy (through the printing press) 3. Urbanization (coffeehouses)
How did the Age of Enlightenment influence the French Revolution?
People used reason for the first time to challenge the authorities, in this case, King Louis XVI
What did Robespierre do?
Stepped up as the leader of the French Revolution, sentenced King Louis XVI to trial and to death started the Reign of Terror and killed up to 40,000 people for the sake of preserving democracy