Place value
Pot luck
Place <,>, or = between the two values. 0.57 ________ 0.569
0.57 > 0.569
Which should you do first in an algebraic expression? A) Multiplication B) Division C) Whatever is in brackets. D) Whatever is in parentheses.
D) Whatever is in parentheses.
How would you describe a parallelogram? A) A quadrilateral with 4 equal sides. B) A quadrilateral with 2 pairs of parallel sides. C) A quadrilateral with 1 pair of parallel sides. D) A quadrilateral with 4 90 degree angles.
B) A quadrilateral with 2 pairs of parallel sides.
If a word problems describes the same number being added up over and over again, what operation is involved? A) Subtraction B) Multiplication C) Division
B) Multiplication
On problems with more than one step (#12), how can you choose the correct algebraic formula of those listed? A) Just guess. B) Work out the problem before you look at the equation choices, then choose the equation that matches what you did. C) Work out all the equation choices, then look at the word problem.
B) Work out the problem before you look at the equation choices, then choose the equation that matches what you did.
You get the answer 348 students. Where should you put the decimal? A) 3.48 B) 34.8 C) 348.
C) 348.
On the calculator, how should you enter brackets? A) Ignore them because the calculator doesn't have brackets. B) You can't evaluate algebraic expressions on the calculator. C) Enter the brackets as parentheses. D) Don't enter parentheses or brackets on the calculator.
C) Enter the brackets as parentheses.
How would you describe a rectangle? A) A quadrilateral with four 90 degree angles. B) A quadrilateral with one set of parallel sides. C) A quadrilateral with 4 equal sides.
A) A quadrilateral with four 90 degree angles.
If a word problems describes splitting up something into smaller groups, what operation will you probably need to use to solve the problem? A) Division B) Multiplication C) Subtraction
A) Division
When matching a table to a line on a graph (#13) when given the equation, you should- A) Plug in values form the table choices into the equation to see which matches up. B) Look for the ordered pairs on the grid in the table choices. C) Guess.
A) Plug in values form the table choices into the equation to see which matches up.
What is the value of the 7 in 234,076.21 ? A) 0.7 B) 7 C) 70 D) 700
C) 70
Is a square a kind of rectangle, or is a rectangle a kind of square?
A square is a kind of rectangle
When adding up fractions from diagrams, (#8) your FIRST step should be to A) Compare the fractions. B) Reduce your answer to lowest terms. C) Write a fraction for each diagram.
C) Write a fraction for each diagram.
What is the formula for area of a rectangle (#14)? A) L X W = Area B) L X W X H = Area C) B X H = Area
A) L X W = Area
The number is 4,056.251. Fill in the blank in the expanded notation.-------> (4 X 1000) + (5 X 10) + (6 X 1) + (2 X 0.01) + (5 X _______) + (1 X 0.001)
What does the expression 3x mean? A) 3 plus x B) 3 minus x C) 3 divided by x D) 3 times x
D) 3 times x
What do a square and a rhombus have in common? A) Both have right angles. B) Both have all sides equal. C) Both are triangles.
B) Both have all sides equal.
If you try to figure out what 2/3 of 66 means, you should do what on the calculator? A) Enter 2/3 times 66 B) Enter 2/3 divided by 66 C) Enter 2/3 plus 66.
A) Enter 2/3 times 66
On models that show division of decimals (#4), what represents the quotient? A) Dark shaded part. B) Lightly shaded part. C) White part.
A) Dark shaded part.
Which 8 is worth more in this number---> 1,008.082 A) the 8 in the ones place B) the 8 in the hundredths place
A) the 8 in the ones place
What does the expression a/2 mean? A) a plus 2 B) a divided by 2 C) a times 2 D) a minus 2
B) a divided by 2
Which type of triangle has angles that are all similar? A) Obtuse Triangle B) Right Triangle C) Acute Triangle
C) Acute Triangle
If a problem states someone paid "99 cents less than the regular price", how do you figure out how much they paid? A) Add the regular price and 99 cents. B) Multiply the regular price by 99. C) Subtract 99 cents from the regular price. D) Subtract the regular price from 99 cents.
C) Subtract 99 cents from the regular price.
When they give a model for a division problem (#6), how can you tell what they are dividing by (the divisor)? A) The number of whole grids shaded. B) The number of ovals (or groups) the entire value is split up into. C) The white part that is not shaded.
B) The number of ovals (or groups) the entire value is split up into.