Understanding the Text
Suggestions and Inferences
Deep Understanding of the Text
Informative Text
Please READ "The President's Own" Read this sentence from "The President's Own": “Today, the band is one of the most prestigious in the country.” (paragraph 3) Which two phrases from paragraph 1 provide clues to the meaning of the word prestigious? A. "only drums and fifes" B. "a full orchestra" C. "best musicians in the country" D. "oldest professional musical organization"
C. "best musicians in the country" D. "oldest professional musical organization"
Read passage 1, "My Antonia" Based on the prefix “pre-,” what does the word predetermined mean in paragraph 4 of Passage 1? A. not decided B. decided again C. almost decided D. decided in advance
D. decided in advance
Read this passage and answer the question below: One day, Nemesis, the goddess of revenge, heard the tale of how Narkissos spurned Echo, and she decided to punish Narkissos. She cast a spell and forced the youth to fall in love with himself. As Narkissos was wandering through the woods, he caught sight of his own reflection in the pond. He was so in love with his own face that he could not look away, and so he sat there on the bank of the pond. He could not turn away. Eventually, he died because he could do nothing else but stare at his own beauty. The goddess Hera took pity on him and turned him into a water lily so that he may lean over the water and see his reflection forever. What word best describes Narkissos in this story? A. smart B. charming C. unattractive D. vain
D. vain
Read this passage and identify which words would best replace the words in quotation marks. Finally, we reached the end. We sat down on a rock and turned off our head lamps. As the lights went out, we were surrounded by complete darkness. Sitting in the darkness was just as amazing as the cave "yourself". Which word should replace "yourself"? A. No changes should be made B. "itself" C. "ourself" D. "themself"
B. "itself"
Read the passage and answer the question below Volcanoes are mountains or hills formed when matter explodes through an opening in Earth's surface. Very hot, melted rock called magma gathers under Earth's surface. The magma begins to move toward the surface of the earth. It moves like a balloon filled with helium rising into the air. Tiny drops of magma collect until large amounts of magma are moving toward the surface. When the magma reaches an opening in the Earth's crust, it rushes through. As it falls, the magma cools and hardens into rock. That rock forms the mountain or hill that we call a volcano. What is this passage mainly about? A. where magma is located B. how volcanoes are formed C. the temperatures of volcanoes D. how helium balloons rise
B. how volcanoes are formed
Please READ "The President's Own" What is the author’s purpose in this passage? A. to describe the development of the Marine band to readers B. to inform readers about where the Marine Band plays its shows C. to convince readers that leadership is important to the Marine Band D. to explain to readers how the Marine Band plans for each musical performance
A. to describe the development of the Marine band to readers
Read Passage 1, "My Antonia" In paragraph 3 of Passage 1, what is the impact of the phrase “gashes torn by a grizzly’s claws” on the meaning of the passage? A. It implies that the prairie is a dangerous place. B. It implies that the narrator is fearful for his life. C. It suggests that there is a harshness to the landscape. D. It suggests that bad things happen when the land is uncared for.
C. It suggests that there is a harshness to the landscape.
Read this section of a passage and select two sentences from the section “Growing Up” that the author uses to support the idea that L. Frank Baum was interested in writing as a child. Growing Up 5 Lyman Frank Baum was born to a wealthy family in Chittenango, New York, in 1856. He spent most of his childhood living at a beautiful country estate called Rose Lawn. A serious heart condition made it necessary for him to be tutored at home, and one of his favorite pastimes was reading and creating stories. At a young age, Frank, as he preferred to be called, showed a talent for writing, and when he was fifteen, his father bought him a printing press. Frank and his brother, Harry, printed a popular newspaper entitled the Rose Lawn Home Journal. 6 By the time Frank turned eighteen, he knew that he wanted to become an actor. With money from his father, Frank formed a Shakespearean acting troupe, and in 1880 became the manager of a string of opera houses owned by his father. In 1881, his first play, The Maid of Arran, in which he played the lead, became an instant success.
A serious heart condition..... At a young age..... or Frank and his brother, Harry....
Read the passage and choose the best word for the word in quotation marks. There was light snow falling as we dressed in our layers of warm winter clothes. We had traveled many miles to Iceland and were preparing to hike through the lava tubes of Leidarendi Cave. We could feel the excitement in the air as we walked outside and were greeted by our guide and "their" gigantic SUV. "their" should be changed to: A. no change should be made B. "they" C. "his" D. "he"
C. "his"
Read this passage and answer the question below: Napoleon Bonaparte was born in Corsica in 1769. He went to military schools in France. By age sixteen, he was an active member of the French army. He fought in the wars against France's enemies during the revolution. He became known as a great leader. He won campaigns against the British and the Italians. He made sure that news of his victories reached the right ears. Before long he met the key political leaders in Paris. What is this passage mostly about? A. the life of Napoleon Bonaparte B. famous people born in Corsica C. the defeat of British armies D. French military history
A. the life of Napoleon Bonaparte
Please READ "The President's Own" Read the sentences from "The President's Own": “The band began as only drums and fifes (an instrument like a flute). Today, the band is a full orchestra with some of the best musicians in the country.” (paragraph 1) Why did the author include these sentences in the passage? A. to demonstrate that the band has changed and expanded over time. B. to point out that the original band had trouble finding enough instruments C. to describe how musicians in the band learned to perform with new instruments D. to suggest that the musicians in the band today are better than they were in the past
A. to demonstrate that the band has changed and expanded over time.
Read passage 1, "My Antonia" How does the narrator in Passage 1 feel during his prairie walk? A. disappointed B. helpless C. reflective D. restless
C. reflective
Read passage 1, "My Antonia" and passage 2, "Home on the Range": Which theme is common to both passages? A. the love of place B. the respect for self C. the effects of change D. the influence of the past
A. the love of place
Read the passage and identify which word would best replace the word in quotation marks. Our first priority was to prepare all of the "necesary" gear. We were given helmets to protect us and head lamps to provide light in the tunnels. Next, we pulled ice cleats over our boots to improve traction when walking over ice. "necesary" should be changed to: A. no changes should be made B. "necessary" C. "neccessary" D. "neccesary"
B. "necessary"
Read the passage and answer the question below: The Mississippi River is a significant river in the United States. The river stretches over 2,000 miles and flows across the country from north to south. The river is home to many species of fish. Many animals use the river to help guide them during their migration. The Mississippi River provides many things to people. More than 12 million people live along the river. The Mississippi River brings in freshwater to many people along its banks. People who live near the waterway enjoy fishing and swimming in the river. They also rely on the river to provide jobs, such as fishing and hunting. Which of the following are two main ideas expressed in the passage? A. The Mississippi River is a great place for people who like to fish and swim. B. Many people need fishing and hunting jobs on the Mississippi River. C. Many people depend on the Mississippi River to support their needs. D. People who live along the Mississippi River need to have fresh drinking water. E. The Mississippi River is an important river that flows through most of the U.S.
C. Many people depend on the Mississippi River to support their needs. E. The Mississippi River is an important river that flows through most of the U.S.
Please READ "The President's Own". What is the central idea of the passage "The President's Own"? A. The Marine Band is famous because of its name. B. The Marine Band is the most popular band in the United States. C. The Marine Band is a notable part of American musical history. D. The Marine Bad plays for major events throughout the country.
C. The Marine Band is a notable part of American musical history.
Read Passage 1, "My Antonia" In paragraph 4 of Passage 1, what is the impact of the phrase “accidents of fortune” on the meaning of the passage? A. It suggests that few events in life can be planned. B. It suggests that fate plays an important role in life. C. It suggests that good results can come from bad events. D. It suggests that people often make thoughtless decisions.
B. It suggests that fate plays an important role in life.
Read "The Story of the Peacock and the Tortoise" and answer the question below: What is the theme of this story? A. He who laughs last, laughs best. B. Every cloud has a silver lining. C. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. D. Greediness doesn't pay off in the end.
D. Greediness doesn't pay off in the end.
Read this passage and identify what would best replace the words in quotation marks. We also put on thick, rubbery "gloves used for safety and" to help us grip rocks. Finally, we were ready to begin the hike. "gloves used for safety and" should be replaced with: A. no changes should be made B. "gloves, used for safety" C. "gloves, used for safety," D. "gloves used for safety,"
B. "gloves, used for safety"
Read the passage and answer the question below: Anne Sullivan was a dedicated educator. She developed new ways to teach a person who could not see, hear, or speak. Her teaching methods showed other teachers how to instruct their students. Anne helped show that anyone could learn. In 1886, Anne was asked to be a teacher for a young girl named Helen Keller. Helen had been blind and deaf since she was a young child. Anne helped Helen learn the names of things. Anne did so by using the manual alphabet. Hand signs were used to represent the letters of the alphabet. Helen learned many words very quickly. With Anne's help, Helen even went to college. Anne and Helen worked together until Anne's death in 1936. Which two sentences best express the main ideas of the passage? A. Anne Sullivan was a pioneer in teaching students who could not learn by listening or seeing. B. Helen Keller learned the name of things by learning how to use the manual alphabet. C. Because of Anne Sullivan's teaching, Helen Keller was able to obtain an education. D. After her success with Helen Keller, Anne Sullivan showed others how to teach their students. E. Anne Sullivan and Helen Keller continued to be friends even after Anne's death.
A. Anne Sullivan was a pioneer in teaching students who could not learn by listening or seeing. C. Because of Anne Sullivan's teaching, Helen Keller was able to obtain an education.
Please READ "The President's Own" How does "The President's Own" show the connection between the United States Marine Band and the presidency? A. by telling the story of why one early president decided to create the band B. by offering examples of important presidential events that feature the band C. by including statements from several presidents describing the importance of the band D. by offering numbers to prove that the band performs for presidents more than for other individuals
B. by offering examples of important presidential events that feature the band
Read passage 1, "My Antonia" In Passage 1, what does the first person point of view reveal that an objective point of view could not? A. the location of the grandfather's farm B. the narrator's depth of feeling toward Antonia C. the types of flowers blooming in the landscape D. the changes made by the construction of a new road
B. the narrator's depth of feeling toward Antonia
Read "If" by Rudyard Kipling and answer the question below: Which two themes are found in this poem? A. It is hard to trust oneself. B. One must accept misfortune gracefully. C. Having big dreams leads to success. D. Taking risks often ends in failure. E. It is important to have balance in life.
B. One must accept misfortune gracefully. E. It is important to have balance in life.
Read this passage and identify which words would best replace the words in quotation marks. The entrance to the cave was hidden under four feet of snow! We dug a hole and slithered down into the lava tubes. We were glad for all of the protective gear. Parts of the caves were big "rooms large, enough" to stand in. Other places in the caves were so narrow that we had to crawl. Which words should replace "rooms large, enough"? A. No changes should be made. B. "rooms large enough," C. "rooms, large enough" D. "rooms, large, enough"
C. "rooms, large enough"
Read the passage, "Is there Life on Mars?" and answer this question: Which two statements best express the author's point of view? A. Making Mars more favorable to human exploration is essential to discovering and understanding the life forms that exist there. B. Any advances in technology for space exploration will lead to advances in technology elsewhere. C. The existence of features similar to Earth on Mars shows the possibility of many different forms of life in the universe. D. Mars is the only planet in the universe that NASA should continue to study other than Earth. E. A natural curiosity about the universe pushes people to continue investing in space exploration.
C. The existence of features similar to Earth on Mars shows the possibility of many different forms of life in the universe. E. A natural curiosity about the universe pushes people to continue investing in space exploration.