Figurative Language
Narrative Writing
Test Design and Strategies
This type of figurative language makes a comparison using the words LIKE or AS
What is a simile
You see people standing outside, they are shivering and stomping their feet. The people are doing this because... A) they are angry B) they are cold C) they are farmers D) they are hot
What is B
From which point of view is the following story written? I had to turn off my cell phone. I couldn't take another call of goodbye, farewell. Another call of having to be all smiley to my friends and say stupid things like "Oh, I'm sure I'll get used to my new school eventually" - when what I really wanted to do was beg their parents to adopt me so I wouldn't have to move away. Later, Tavonda, my best friend, came over. She'd insisted on helping me do the last of my packing. As soon as she walked into my room, I could tell she knew exactly what I was going through.
What is first person point of view.
How many essays will students be asked to write?
What is 3
This is the major turning point of a story.
What is climax
This figure of speech makes a direct comparison between two things without using the words LIKE or AS.
What is a metaphor
Mr. Nelson, the mailman, walked across a beautiful yard to bring the mail to the Bell's home. Suddenly, the sprinklers went on and Mr. Nelson was all wet. Very angry, Mr. Nelson went to the front of the house and pounded on the door. No one answered. How did Mr. Nelson get so wet? A) An automatic timer had been set to start the sprinklers. B)He fell in a puddle. C) The kids in the house put the sprinklers on. D) It started to rain.
What is A
Every good story, even a true one, is driven by what?
What is conflict
How many pages are required for the narrative essay and how many pages for each of the text-based essays?
What is 4 and 2
This is the lesson, or moral, of a story.
What is theme
This type of figurative language gives human characteristics to animals or objects.
What is personification
The waiting room was full. Two dogs lay patiently on the floor. A kitten cried in the cat carrier. A man came in the door carrying an injured dog. A white-coated man came out to meet him. Everyone knew they might have a long wait. Where is this story happening? A) A vet's office B) A doctor's office C) A pet store D) An animal shelter
What is A
What are the five stages of plot development? Explain each one.
What is exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.
What graphic organizer should you use every time you are planning your text-based essays?
What is your answer, quote, and say more.
This is the feeling, or emotion, the reader gets from reading.
What is mood
This type of figurative language is an intentional (and extreme) exaggeration.
What is hyperbole.
This man gets up early each morning even when he's been up very late the night before. His office is part of his home, so he has no commute time. He often travels great distances on business. His job is very difficult, because he can never make everyone happy. In spite of this, he keeps on trying to do the best possible job that he can, while feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders. Who is this man? A) A business man B) A CEO C) The President D) The Vice President
What is C
What are the two types of conflict characters can experience?
What is internal and external
Name two strategies you should use when answering a multiple choice question.
What is underline/highlight key words and eliminate answers by crossing them out.
What is a pronoun?
What is a word that takes the place of a noun
This type of figurative language appeals to the reader's five senses.
What is imagery.
"Mama, is it time to go?" I hadn't planned to cry, but the tears came suddenly, and I wiped them away with the back of my hand. I didn't want my older sister to see me crying. "It's almost time, Ruri," my mother said gently. Her face was filled with a kind of sadness I had never seen before. I looked around at my empty room. The clothes that Mama always told me to hang up in the closet, the junk piled on my dresser, the old rag doll I could never bear to part with--they were all gone. There was nothing left in the rest of the house. The rugs and furniture were gone, the pictures and drapes were down, and the closets and cupboards were empty. The house was like a gift box after the nice thing inside was gone; just a lot of nothingness. from "The Bracelet" by Yoshiko Uchida What conclusion can the reader draw after reading this passage? A. Ruri is getting married and leaving her childhood home. B. Ruri is going off to college. C. Ruri's family is moving to another place. D. Ruri's parents are divorcing.
What is C
What are the three types of third person point of view? Explain each one.
What is limited, omniscient, and objective. Limited - narrator knows thoughts and feelings of one character. Omniscient - narrator knows thoughts and feelings of all characters. Objective - narrator does not reveal thoughts or feelings of any characters.
What process should you use every time you approach a writing prompt? (Hint: It is an acronym)
ANSWER Analyze the question Note the plan Skim, read, and select Write the response, End by Revising
This is a note at the bottom of a page, marked with a number, that gives more information about a word, date, or event.
What is a footnote