There is no spoon...
What Attitude?
Make Good Choices...
Learning is fun and mental
What are the three steps in the process of coming into contact and assigning meaning to a stimulus (i.e., Perception)?
Exposure, Attention, Interpretation
Shirley and Bud have been married for almost 50 years, but Shirley can remember their wedding day so clearly. She remembers how happy she felt that day and how wonderful it was to celebrate their marriage with all of their family and friends. She even remembers walking down the aisle, seeing her future husband waiting for her, and her father kissing her as he placed her hand in Bud's. Which type of memory does this represent? 
Episodic (or autobiographical) Memory
What is the important difference between the Theory of Reasoned Action (TORA and Multi-Attribute Attitude Models (MAAM).
TORA accounts for motivation and social environment
The multiattribute model is which type of decision rule? 
A sales manager pays a bonus to new trainees when they develop a good sales prospectus. Later, after the trainees have completed two months of training, the manager pays a bonus only for an actual sale. The manager is applying what process of instrumental conditioning to help the trainees be productive in their sales careers?
If brands are trying to increase the extent that consumers process (i.e., think about) their ads, they are focusing on what step of the perceptual process?
Nick looked up a phone number in the telephone directory, and instead of writing it down, he kept repeating it to himself over and over until he could punch the numbers and make the call. Which of the following describes what Nick was doing?
Maintenance Rehearsal
For years, American automobiles did not have the level of quality that foreign, particularly Japanese, automobiles had. However, that has changed, and most automobiles built in the United States have comparable or superior quality compared with imports. Consumers' attitudes are slow to change, however, and marketers must use which strategy to change the cognitive component of consumers' attitudes? 
Change Beliefs
Conrad is considering the purchase of a laptop computer. He has decided that he will not spend more than $1,200, the computer must weigh no more than 4 pounds, and battery life must be at least 4 hours. He has similar minimum requirements for a few other criteria he is using to evaluate alternatives. If an alternative does not meet all of these minimum requirements, he will not consider it further. Which decision rule is Conrad using? 
Taco Del Mar has a program where if you buy 10 burritos, you get the 11th free. They want to make this program even more effective. Given your knowledge of reinforcement schedules, which would you recommend?
Variable Ratio Reinforcement
Liking an object just because we are familiar with it is known as...
The Mere Exposure Effect
What at the two primary characteristics of short-term memory?
It's short-lived and limited in capacity.
Robert Randolph is a great salesman. He knows people accept and buy expensive products gradually. To make a sale, Robert tries to get consumers in a car for a test drive. He knows that once the customer has complied with the small request, the probability of an actual car sale will increase. Robert's technique is an example of which of the following sales strategies or techniques?
Foot-in-the-door technique
Jonesy will buy only the lowest-priced spark plug when he goes shopping for auto supplies. This is an example of what type of decision rule
In relationship to classical conditioning, when marketing a new product, _______ should be encouraged (to steal some of the efforts done by other brands), while when marketing an old, established product ________ should be encouraged (to prohibit other brands from stealing your efforts).
Stimulus generalization and Stimulus Discrimination
The minimum amount that one stimulus can differ from another with the difference still being noticed is referred to as the _____. 
just noticeable difference
______ is the technique used by marketers to construct a means-end-chain (MEC) model for consumer motivations. If done correctly, MEC’s help marketers to discover what ______ values consumer derive from a product, attribute, or service.
Laddering and Terminal (instrumental too) values
Carissa is highly involved in a purchase decision for a new car. She has searched the Internet, visited car dealerships, talked to friends and family, and paid attention to advertisements. According to the elaboration likelihood model, by which route is Carissa likely to be persuaded? 
Central Route
While Katie and Matthew are the children in the family, they do influence the alternatives considered for their family's summer vacation. What role do Katie and Matthew play in this family decision? 
Fashion brands & designers like to have celebrities wear their clothing at events like the Oscars or Emmys. This gives consumers the opportunity to observe that the celebrity gets positive feedback about the clothing. Which principle (i.e., type of learning) describes how the celebrity getting feedback influences consumers?
Observational Learning
What theory (or process) suggests that if a stimulus doesn't change, over time we habituate to it and begin to notice it less? 
Adaptation Level Theory
Based Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, in which order must needs be satisfied?
Physiological, safety, social (belonging), personal (Ego), self-actualization
Julia really likes P & G’s Dove products, especially because of the “Real Beauty” campaign. Due to the way the Axe brand negatively portrays women, Julia hates Axe. Julia learns that P&G also owns Axe. Balance theory suggests that Julia’s attitudes may change in what 2 ways.
She could like Axe more or like Dove less
According to _________, the consumer tries to determine who (or what) caused a particular event or set of circumstances in the shopping experience (particularly when they are dissatisfied).
Attribution Theory
I want people to associate McDonald’s logo and hunger. Using Classical conditioning theory, my conditioned stimulus would be _________ and my conditioned response would be ___________.
The McDonald's Logo and Buying McDonlds.