Whats Cooking?
Countries and Continents
Indian Movies
Comics and Pirates
The name of this spaghetti sauce means "In sailor's style"
What is Marinara
This continent covers 30% of the world's land area and has about 60% of its people.
What is Asia?
One thing that was common to these Amitabh movies - Amar-Akbar Anthony, Deewar, Inquilab, Khoon Pasina, Lal Badshah, Mard, Muqaddar Ka Sikander, Suhaag, Giraftaar.
Nirupa Roy played his mother.
This was the first Asian city to host the Olympic games
What is Tokyo
Name of the newspaper editor that Peter Parker worked as a freelance photographer?
Who is J Jonah Jameson
These nuts from wild trees share there name with a Portuguese speaking South America Country.
What is Brazil Nuts
This continent has the most number of UN members
What is Africa?
One of the finest actors from Bollywood in the 70s and 80s, this person was born as Harihar Jariwala. He played both hero and character actor in a lot of movies.
Who is Sanjeev Kumar.
This province became the last province to join the Canadian Confederation
What is Newfoundland
Peter Parker's middle name
What is Benjamin
First name of 20th C. Cardinal of Ottaviani, or a rich butter and cream sauce.
What is Alfredo?
The USA's longest thermometer stretches 134 feet high, matching the record 134 degrees set in this California location.
What is Death Valley?
As a part of its fine tradition, Amul made an ad that read as follows - KHALO EVERY, KHALO EVERY, KHALO EVERYDAY. What item of fame was this referring to?
What is the song why this Kolaveri
In 1891 this Swede said "Perhaps my factories will put an end to war sooner than your Congress". His factories were making dynamite. He also owned Bofors.
Who is Alfred Nobel
Comic strip created by cartoonist Goerges Remi who worte under the pen name Herge.
What is Tintin
What Indian food gets its name from the Portuguese word for bread.
What is Pav from Pao
This South American country's name is derived from Little Venice.
What is Venezuela
When someone introduced Lata Mangeshkar saying that she holds the Guinness Record for singing the most songs, she pointed to the person standing next to her, who actually held the record
Who is SP Balu
In the year of his death, the Nobel committee rejected a flood of nominations for this person citing, among other reasons, the practical one being that he belonged to no organization and left no property and left no will. The prize was eventually withheld that year.
Who is Mahatma Gandhi
He was rejected by the US Army because of the poor constitution of his body in the early 1940s but managed to enlist himself for a top secret defence project. He was also seen punching Hitler in the nose in March 1941.
Who is Captain America
This term originally comes from "spiced ham" and referred to the surplus quantities of spiced ham that were available during WW II. It was bland and tasted bad but people were forced to buy it by the government since the food was being shipped to the soldiers. This is now a slang in internet and web
What is spam
Which geographic entity in India gets its name from the Pali word for monastery.
What is Bihar
Who used to be known as Dileep Kumar, and is now married to Saira Banu.
Who is AR. Rahman?
A surveyor's chain is a measuring device. It was first used in England to help farmer's measure land. It has 100 metal links each of 7.92 inches. The legacy of this chain is preserved in a well known measurement.
What is length of the cricket pitch.
Edward Teach, aka Blackbeard, punished a mutinous crew by banishing them to a tiny island in the Caribbean Sea. Each crew man was give a cutlass and a bottle of rum to survive. He expected them to kill each other. But after returning after a month he found that fifteen of them still survived. This tale is supposed to be origin of the song
What is "15 men on a Dead Man's chest/ Yo-ho-ho and bottle of rum"