Kid Business
Now What
My Nerves
Save Me
yay PDAS
Tantrums-Rage-Losing Temper​ Leaving environments/running out​ Noncompliance​ Nagging​ Refusing to do work/help out with activities​ Yelling, screaming, verbal abuse​ Aggression​ Not following directions/lack of follow through​ Bullying and annoying others​ Anxiety based reactions/behaviors
What is The Big Ten
Please try that one again​ An easier way to get that done is,
What is Corrective Measure
Affect 3-16% of the population (depending on the study)​ May include all or many of the Big 10 behaviors​ Does tend to be connected with other behavior disorders
What is Oppositional Defiant Disorder
We don't have a definite cause at this point, but there are several common threads.​ Research currently gives us three types of ODD children​ Traditional oppositional children or youth​ Children/youth with other primary issues​ Children raised with a sense of entitlement
What is Causes of ODD
Poverty​ Chaotic environments​ Abuse/neglect​ Lack of supervision​ Uninvolved parents​ Inconsistent discipline​ Family instability
What is Social Factors
Patterns of behaviors lasting 6 months or longer, showing at least four symptoms from this list, exhibited during interactions with at least one individual who is not a sibling​ Angry/irritable moods​ Often loses temper​ Often touchy or easily annoyed​ Often angry and resentful​ Argumentative/defiant behavior-with authority figures, or in the case of children/adolescents, adults​ Often actively defies/refuses to comply with requests from authority figures or with rules​ Often deliberately annoys others​ Often blames others for their mistakes or misbehaviors​ Vindictivenes
What is Diagnosis of ODD
Individual or group​ Write 3 or 4 ways that you can use P,C,P.​ Practice with each other using simple everyday situations
What is P.C.P Practice
Biological factors​ Parents with ADHD, ODD, or CD (conduct disorder)​ Parents with mood disorders (depression, bipolar)​ Parents with substance abuse issues​ Impairment in the part of the brain responsible for reasoning, judgement, and impulse control​ Brain chemical imbalances​ Mother who smoked during pregnancy​ Exposure to toxins​ Poor nutrition
What is Traditional Oppositional Child
70% of children can be symptom free with treatment, primarily positive behavior reinforcement and teaching kids how to handle negative emotion​ About 30% of diagnosed children will develop Conduct Disorder​ Approximately 10% of children and adolescents diagnosed with ODD will eventually develop other personality disorders
additional information
Most common co-morbid condition​ Symptoms look very similar​ Kids with both are usually more aggressive, have more behavior issues and performance issues than those with ODD alone
What is AD/HD
For people over age 5, behaviors occur at least once a week for six months at minimum. Other factors such as developmental levels, gender and culture are taken into consideration as well​ The behaviors do not occur only during psychotic, substance abuse, depressive, or bipolar episodes, and criteria for disruptive mood dysregulation disorder are not met.
What is Persistence and frequency 
Can be used individually and with groups​ 3 part therapeutic Inquiry.​ Best part of your day, worst part of the day, and what are you going to do now?
What is P.C,P System
Sometimes ODD develops alongside another, primary condition.​ Most common are learning disabilities and speech or language impairments​ Anxiety, depression, trauma, PTSD are also common primary issues
What is Child With a Primary Issue
AD/HD​ Anxiety disorders​ Mood disorders​ Learning disorders​ Language disorders​ Autism spectrum disorders​ PTSD​ Attachment Disorders
What is Co-morbid Mental Heath Condition
Student refuses to follow instructions exhibits ODD,what system may be used?
What is PCP
Poor relationship with one or both parents​ Neglect or abuse from parents​ Difficulty or inability to form social relationships or process social cues
What is Psychological Factors
Learn what the signs and symptoms of Oppositional Defiance Disorder are​ Learn some of the theories on the causes of ODD​ Learn some of the long and short term effects of ODD on children and adults​ Be introduced to some classroom management techniques that can be used to help handle ODD students​ Discuss and practice these techniques in our groups​ Compete to test our new knowledge!
What is fundamental five format
Raised by helicopter parents​ Develop a "I can do what I want, when I want, how I want" attitude
What is Children Raised With A Sense of Entitlement
Symptoms of ODD look very similar to Ad/H D True or False
What is true
Children Raised With A Sense of Entitlement
What is Raised by helicopter parents
I want to help you do that better Please try that one again​ An easier way to get that done is,
What is Corrective Measure
It is important to balance and T=Rex behaviors from “rodent like : behaviors​ Don’t go squirrel hunting with a bazooka.​ Look at behaviors are on a scale of 1- behaviors are life threatening and should be with immediately.​ 1-7 behaviors are oppositional and defiant and will be addresses with the correct level of balance.
What is Specific Strategies
Praise Correct behavior or attitude​ Correct A behavior​ Praise Praise reinforce for a correction or another attribute
What is   Use P.C.P
Individual or group​ Write 3 or 4 ways that you can use P,C,P.​ Practice with each other using simple everyday situations
What is P.C.P Practice
Sometimes ODD develops alongside another, primary condition True or false?
What is True