By placing the mouse arrow over an item, information is displayed in a small box. The phrase for this is:
What is Hover to Discover?
When I pick up an additional patient during my shift, I must do this to have the patient show on My Patients list.
What is right click, "Assign Me"
This button allows you to access additional activities in a patient's chart.
What is the "More" button.
A letter that is a shortcut for entering data in the current time.
What is "n"
What is True.
The Summary Activity defaults to this report of the patient's current hospitalization.
What is the Overview Report.
The defined parameters in Flowsheets in which an assessment is expected to be found a healthy person.
What is Within Defined Limits.
This flowsheet template must be open to add a peripheral IV line to the patient's chart.
What is IV Assessment?
Float nurses can use this feature in Available Lists to have quick access to units on multiple floors.
What is selecting a unit and "Save as Favorite."
These display data documented for the patient within the current admission by expanding and condensing time intervals.
What are Accordion Reports.
.me, .today., and .n are quick ways to document information in a note.
What is a SmartPhrase.
This is where you would find the defined definitions of your assessment.
What is Row Information?
Row information shows in the Details Sidebar to the right of the flowsheet template workspace.
What is "Search All Mayo Patients."
In the Worklist activity, overdue tasks are show in ________ color and become this color when the tasks are not completed within _________ of their due time.
This action documents the beginning of my shift and places me on a patient's treatment team.
What is Sign In.
This is a great resource via hyperlink that is visible when you "show all details" on the MAR.
What is Micromedex?
Click file, click another activity tab, log out and ________ allow you to save data documented in a Flowsheet.
What is Close the Chart.
Personalizing patient columns in My Patients lists will cross over to personalize patient columns in My Units list. True or False
False. My Patients list and My Units lists are personalized/customized separately.
A peripheral IV site is documented in this flowsheet template.
What is the IV Assessment Flowsheet template.