Making Us Immigrate Again
Going Into Labor
To Gild A Better Mousetrap
I Never SAW That Coming
Many Americans, then and now, preferred this policy of staying out of world affairs and remaining "hands off."
What is Isolationism?

For this type of society, the focus is on cultivating land (and farming).

What is "agrarian"?

Henry Ford pioneered this process, combining assembly lines and standardized parts to produce larger quantities of goods.
What is Mass Production?
The explosion on this ship was blamed on Spain, and led to a declaration of war.
What is the U.S.S. Maine?
In the D.C. Universe, Oliver Queen is better known as this colorful robin-hood-like vigilante.
Who is the Green Arrow?
While slums were not segregated, these neighborhoods were - primarily for Spanish speakers.
What are barrios?

Under "Industrialization" a society's focus is shifted to this.

What is "the manufacturing of goods"?

He was the inventor of the telephone, although his first call was only from one room to another.
Who is Alexander Graham Bell?
This Secretary of the Navy resigned his job so that he could lead the Rough Riders to victory in Cuba.
Who is Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt?

Luckily COVID has died down enough, now, that last weekend Salt Lake was able to host this - a bi-annual gathering of geeks, gamers, and cosplayers.

What is Fan-Ex? (Comic-Con)

Immigrants going through Ellis Island were questioned about relatives, plans, and these two areas.
What are health and occupation?

During a famous strike of 1899, children in New York stopped selling these as a form of protest against increased prices.

What are newspapers?
The "Wizard of Menlo Park" not only invented the electric light bulb, but also the motion picture camera, and these two inventions.
What are the battery and the phonograph?
An example of Dollar Diplomacy, this policy in China led to an armed revolt.
What is the Open-Door Policy?

This week in 1823, this religious leader stated he found the golden plates after being directed by God through the Angel Moroni to the place where they were buried.

Who was Joseph Smith? (Jr.)

Many immigrants were forced to work in sweat shops - workplaces characterized by these three things.
What are long hours, low wages, and unsafe conditions?

Other than schedule and benefits, these are two primary focus points of Unions.

What are wages and safety?

It was at this city in North Carolina that Orville and Wilbur Wright first successfully tested their airplane.
What is Kittyhawk?
Yellow Journalism relies on sensational, biased, and this type of reporting - much like modern click-bait.
What is false reporting?

This week would have been the 87th birthday of Jim Henson, who created things like Fraggle Rock, The Dark Crystal, and Labyrinth, but also this famous singing, dancing, and hand-held performing group.

Who are the Muppets?

While Ellis Island processed immigrants on the East Coast, for the Japanese and Chinese, they went through this island - in San Francisco Bay.
What is Angel Island?

During a Coal Mining Strike in this State, under the orders of "Robber Baron" Rockefeller, the National Guard killed 21 men, women, and children.

What is Colorado?


"Mark Twain" was the writer that coined the phrase "The Gilded Age," though THIS was his birth name. 

What is "Samuel Clemens"?


He was the famous Commodore (and later Admiral) who sunk all but four Spanish vessels in two hours during the Battle of Manila Bay.

Who is Commodore George Dewey?

On today's date in 1948, Gail Halvorsen officially started parachuting this to children as part of the Berlin Air lift.
What is candy?