Wild Card
Do you know your Coach?
How do you choose which college to go to?
Answers can vary(Think Fit Factors): Location, major offerings, faculty, atmosphere, size, tuition, scholarships, etc.
What are the tests used for college admission?
What are types of financial aid? Give me 3.
Answers vary: Grants, Scholarships, Loans, Work Study, Side Hustle, Savings, etc...
Name 4 colleges/universities in Oregon.
Answers vary: PSU, PCC, Lewis & Clark, OSU, OHSU, Willamette, Reed, Concordia etc...
What did I say was my favorite breakfast food?
French Toast
True or False: You cannot apply to college with a low GPA and low ACT/SAT score.
FALSE: Each college and university has specific requirements to be admitted to their school. Does that mean you can get by and not apply yourself these next 2 years? Nope! still pick up those grades and continue to study, you can still have fun though. Some students who didn't do well in High school go to Community College and work hard to transfer to a 4-year university.
What are the 4 types of schools you can apply to when you graduate high school?
Community college, Technical College, Public College/University, Private College/University.
What does the acronym ACT stand for? Why is it important to take and do well on?
American College Test Importance answer may vary: It is important to take because it may offset a low GPA, Most Colleges require the test for admissions
In a financial aid award letter, what main things should you look at when reviewing the letter?
Answers vary: Key components are tuition, room & Board, but there are also personal costs, books & supplies, travel, etc...
When can you start applying for scholarships?
You can begin applying to scholarships anytime. The deadlines vary based on the type of scholarship.
What school did Jose Graduate from? What type of degree does he have?
Lewis and Clark College. Bachelors
True or False: The college with the lowest sticker price is always the cheapest college.
False: You applied to 2 colleges, The 1st is $20,000 and they are giving you $5,000 worth of aid. You will need to take out $15,000 worth of loans to go there. The 2nd is $40,000 and they are giving you $35,000 worth of aid. You will need to take out $5,000 worth of loans to go there. Make sure when you are reviewing your award letter crosscheck the sticker price(cost of school) vs your net price(price you will pay)
What are the main factors a College/University looks for when doing the admissions process. Give me 4 factors.
Answers can vary: ACT/SAT scores, GPA, After school activities, community service, work, class rigor, teacher recommendations, personal essay, etc...
What sections are on the ACT? Give me 3
English, Math, Reading, Science, Writing
What is the difference between a school based scholarship and an external scholarship?
School based scholarships only apply to the school that you received the scholarship from. External scholarships are scholarships you apply to that you can use for any school that accepts you
True or False: You can only become a doctor, a lawyer, an engineer, the President, be considered successful?
FALSE: Although it does help financially to pursue some of these professions, they aren't the only careers that make money. You can become an awesome chef that makes a pretty dank plate of food, you can be an artist that draws some sophisticated art that speaks to ones soul, you can drop the hottest mix tape and inspire a nation with your lyrical genius, or maybe you write a novel that becomes a generations favorite piece of literature.
What countries have I traveled to since going to College?
Answers vary: New Zealand, China, Canada, Mexico