Historical Actors
Causation Theories
Effect Theories
The time period of early Caliphate (Ran Wu).
What is 632 to 661 (Ran Wu)?
The first caliph of four early Caliphate. Used to be the close friend of the prophet (Ran Wu).
What is Abu Bakr (Ran Wu)?
(pl. award) a special Sufi prayer or prayer time in addition to the five regular prayers (salat) (Darious Latimore).
What is wird? (Darious Latimore)
1) Traders, 2) clerics and 3) jihadists; whereas traders established commercial contacts through Trans-Saharan routes and thus established temporary settlements with a favorable Muslim credit system, clerics appealingly helped rulers extend their empire, reinforce their networks and extend beyond the confines of their empires, whereas jihadists sought to revive the original spirit of the urban Muslim community and thus incorporated others in this struggle (Robertson).
What are the three categories of agents of the transmission of Islam in Medieval West African states (Robertson)?
The three key methods are 1) space & time, such as creating space for festivals and other calendar events, 2) visual culture, such as the use of amulets and calligraphy's script, and 3) genealogical and spiritual attachment, as Muslims are inclined to seek distinction through descent from founders (Robertson).
What are the three key methods of appropriation of Islam in Africa that Robinson identifies (Robertson)?
The time period of Ghana (Ran Wu)?
What is 790 to 1200s (Ran Wu)?
The brother of Nana Asmau and the son of Uthman Dan Fodio. Served as the caliph of the Sokoto Caliphate from 1817 to 1837 (Ran Wu).
What is Muhammad Bello (Ran Wu)?
The formal name for the discipline or science of Sufism (Darious Latimore)
What is tasawwuf? (Darious Latimore)
Where as one category represents foreign Muslim influence, such as reformers, clerics and traders, the other category represents the indigenous, traditional and local; Sanneh argues, however, that the true transmitters of Islam were in fact the indigenous, traditional and local themselves (Robertson).
Who are the categories of "recipients" vs "transmitters" of Islam (Robertson)?
Whereas as the Ummayad period saw these one set of forces at work through the process of Arabization, or indigenization of Islam, the later Abbasid period saw these other set of opposing forces at work through "Barbarization," or the decentralization of power (Robertson).
What are centripetal vs centrifugal forces? (Robertson).
In what year was the Sokoto Caliphate established (Ran Wu)?
What is 1812 (Ran Wu)?
A reform-minded scholar from present-day Algeria and used to serve as the advisor to Askiya Muhammad, known as "the pilgrim king" of Songhay (Ran Wu).
What is al-Maghili (Ran Wu)?
The act of declaring someone an unbeliever (kafir) (Darious Latimore)
What is takfir? (Darious Latimore)
These examples are 1) the emergence of jamaat in the countryside, 2) the translation of Muslim writings into vernacular, and 3) pastoralist uprisings. Jamaat were scholarly communities created by clerics who left well-established urban areas and began touching the lives of everyday peasants and villagers; these clerics began reading translations of texts into the languages of these villagers. Meanwhile, agriculturalists and pastoralists increasingly competing for land led pastoralists to rise up against agricultural overlords (Robertson).
What were the three key examples of socio-historical factors that led to the growth of reform in West Africa (Robertson)?
Whereas one process focuses on Islam converting and spreading out over Africa, the other process focuses on the adaptation and change (kinetic processes) through which African groups have created Muslim space and made Islam their own (Robertson).
What is the difference between "Islamization" vs "Africanization" (Robertson)?
In what year did the prophet lead the Hijra to Medina (Ran Wu)?
What is 622 (Ran Wu)?
A traveler (also a 14th-century scholar) who covered 75,000 miles and recorded his experiences. Felt uncomfortable with practices of Muslims in Sub-Sahara area (Ran Wu).
What is Ibn Battuta (Ran Wu)?
The foundations of religion. (Darious Latimore)
What is usul al-din? (Darious Latimore)
While both affect the individual rather than society, one form represents overwhelming and revolutionary moments of change such as St. Paul on the road to Damascus, whereas the other form encapsulates experiences of change that occur over a period of time such as William James recounts in the Varieties of Religion (Robertson).
What is the difference between sudden and gradual forms of conversion (Robertson)?
"Cultural," "introductory," and "casual." This kind of impact on Sudani societies evolved from people being able to witness them performing the salat together or other rituals; hosts would become familiar with the Muslim festival calendar and observe their reverence for the Qaran and thus might become attracted to aspects of preaching they heard (Robertson).
What was traders' influence on the general population (Robertson)?
In what year was Nana Asmau born (Ran Wu)?
What is 1793 (Ran Wu)?
A Berber once was a teacher and later became a warrior and a leader. Used to urger Berbers to conquer other Berbers (Ran Wu).
What is Ibn Yasin (Ran Wu)?
Theologians. A category of scholars whom dan Fodio accused of confusing people (Darious Latimore)
What is mutakallimun? (Darious Latimore)
These two anecdotes demonstrate the "historical theme of affinity and challenge, of accommodation and primacy" advanced by Sanneh (Robertson).
What critical theme do Sanneh's examples of 1) the story about a "full jug of milk [...] could not add any more [...] without spilling some of its rich content" (Sanneh, 11-12) and 2) the story about a call to prayer mistaken as a call to arms, demonstrate (Robertson)?
As Sanneh argues, this process resulted in the Jakhanké and other clerical communities' attempt to maintain their centers by turning to student labor in settlements in efforts to combat what they saw as a mission to destroy Islamic social institutions (Robertson).
What were the effects of slavery being abolished in the French colonies in the 1890s and early 1900s - IE on the Jakhanké and other clerical communities (Robertson)?