Grab Bag Geography
Five Themes of Geography
Five Themes of Geography Questions
Global Issues
Social Scientists
A branch of geography that deals with the natural features of the earth such as landforms.
What is physical geography?
3 miles down the road, across the street from Starbuck's, in the red building.
What is location?
Where is it?
What is location?
Solving global problems requires cooperation from ______.
What is many people from all over the world.
Would most likely study and write about America’s past.
What is a historian?
The branch of geography that focuses on people and how people interact with the earth.
What is human geography?
Hot, arid, dry, un-fertile soil, flat, full of cacti
What is place?
What is it like there?
What is place?
Name one global issues. This must be a GLOBAL issue, not local.
What is multiple answers, determined by Mrs. Brooks
Someone that studies earth and all of its people.
What is a geographer?
The two geographic questions related to location.
What is Where is it? and Why is it there?
You lived in India ( a country) for 2 months. You found a new favorite recipe while there. You then traveled to the Philippines ( a country) where you shared your favorite recipe with friends you meet in the Philippines. Finally, you arrive home and share that recipe with everyone you know. You and the recipe is an example of ...
What is movement?
How are people, goods and ideas moved from one place to another?
What is movement?
If world population continues to grow, we should be concerned with _____.
What is the available resources we have left.
Would study government and citizenship.
What is a political scientist?
Answer the two geographic questions for location. Where is it? Why is it there? in regards to the South Haven Lighthouse.
What is the pier on South Beach in South Haven, MI? And, it is there to direct boats/ships into the channel connecting Lake Michigan to the Black River.
Replanting trees, building new homes in a natural habitat, dressing appropriate for the weather and polluting are examples of ...
What is human environment interaction?
How do humans and the environment affect each other?
What is human environment interaction?
A global issue is defined as ______.
What is a problem that is affecting many people throughout the world not a regional problem?
Would most likely study the culture of South American tribes?
What is an anthropologist?
Give an example of physical characteristic within the United States. AND Given an example of a human characteristic within the United States.
What is Answers may vary, accuracy determined by Mrs. Brooks
The Middle East, South East Asia, Eastern Europe, Sub Sahara Africa, etc..
What are regions?
How are places similar to and different from each other?
What is region?
Is this a global issue or a local issue? What evidence proves your answer? When some of the oil eventually stops floating on the surface of the water and begins to sink into the marine environment, it can have the same kind of damaging effects on fragile underwater ecosystems, killing or contaminating many fish and smaller organisms that are essential links in the global food chain. Despite massive clean-up efforts following the Exxon Valdez oil spill in 1989, for example, a 2007 study conducted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) found that 26,000 gallons of oil from the Exxon Valdez oil spill was still trapped in the sand along the Alaska shoreline.
What is global issue because the animals and organisms affected are essential links in the global food chain?
Would study the consumption, distribution and production of goods and services.
What is an economist?