The database that provides the highest form of evidence that you would go to first to find systematic reviews and RCTS?
What is Cochrane Library
The model or framework that we use at Northwell to help us depict various forms of knowledge in a relative sequence, as research evidence is moved through several cycles, combined with other knowledge and integrated into practice. It provides a framework for systematically putting EBP processes into operation”
What is the Steven’s ACE Star Model of Knowledge Transformation and Evidence Based Practice.
A government agency produced database of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines and related documents. It is maintained as a public resource by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
What is that National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC) which is a database of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines
A Boolean logic operator that narrows your results. It tells the database that ALL search terms must co-occur or be present in the resulting records example: cloning AND humans AND ethics
What is AND
Your favorite Education and Reference Librarian to assist you with your EBP literature searches
Who is Janice Lester. She can be found on the C level of the Teaching Center and her email is jlester1 or tel 7071
The way you would find a systematic review, meta-analysis or practice guideline in Pubmed
What is going to Pubmed's main page on the library's portal, conducting your search and then using the filters on the left side to limit to the publication type you would like or using the Clinical Query feature
A scientific process that validates and refines existing knowledge and generates new knowledge
A kind of method or study that employs research including grounded theory, phenomenology, ethnography, and qualitative description. Refers to a method of inquiry in which a researcher acting as data collection instrument, seeks to answer questions about how or why a particular phenomenon occurs. It is a form of social enquiry that focuses on the way people interpret and make sense of their experiences and the world in which they live’ (Atkinson, 1990, p7).
What is Qualitative research.
A database that has an evidence based practice button or filter in the advanced search
What is the CINAHL database found on the electronic library page. Click on the advanced search button and click on the EBP button to limit to only EBP type articles.
What are the three major elements to consider when making decisions with patients
The clinician’s clinical expertise The patient’s preferences or values The best evidence available
The easiest way that one would access the EMIL (Electronic Medical Information Library) from the Northwell Intranet
Simply go to the main Intranet page and type Library into the main search box or go to Quick links and choose EMIL Library Services
A classification of quality of evidence and strength of recommendation system. It constitutes the basis for the development of clinical practice guidelines. It classifies the evidence into high, moderate, low or very low.
What is GRADE (Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation) system. A-High Further research is very unlikely to change our confidence in the estimate of effect. Several high-quality studies with consistent results In special cases: one large, high-quality multi-centre trial B. Moderate -Further research is likely to have an important impact on our confidence in the estimate of effect and may change the estimate. One high-quality study. Several studies with some limitations. C- Low Further research is very likely to have an important impact on our confidence in the estimate of effect and is likely to change the estimate. One or more studies with severe limitations. D- Very low - Any estimate of effect is very uncertain. Expert opinion. No direct research evidence One or more studies with very severe limitations
The Boolean logic operator used for searching for a group of synonyms eg. Thermometry, thermometers, temperature, thermography. A term to use to broaden your results telling the database that ANY of your search terms can be present in the resulting records
What is OR
A database on the Internet which provides you with a simple way of searching for scholarly material, is free but to be able to see the full text of our subscriptions, one has to access through the Northwell remote access portal or be logged in on campus.
What is Google Scholar. It is an very good way to start your search but remember it searches across the Internet and doesn't necessarily always access peer review journals . When using Google Scholar make sure you are accessing the library on campus or remotely as you won't be able to see the full text that we own
A reference manager available for free download from the IT desk. Will be able to assist you with your bibliography by changing the style with one click. You can also ‘cite while you write’. A web version is also available.
What is Endnote or Endnote Web (available through the Web of Science option on the library's page)
The CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature) is only a nursing database
What is False
The best or highest evidence based study for a question on therapy or treatment
What is a Randomized Control Trial or a cohort or a case control or a case series. RCTs and controlled clinical trials help to answer treatment questions and diagnosis questions. If there aren’t any RCTS or controlled clinical trials move down the EBP pyramid for the next best option
An EBP based journal out of Australia that publishes systematic reviews. Uses a collaborative approach to the evidence derived from a diverse range or sources. Indexed in Pubmed and CINAHL
What is JBI database of systematic reviews and implementation reports. Can be found indexed in PubMed and in CINAHL
This is the study one would look for If your question is about prognosis or etiology
What is a cohort study.
A point of care database for evidence based clinical decision support. Integrated with Lexicomp. Includes images and linked to the EMR.
What is Uptodate. Access through the library's portal.
A review in which specified and appropriate methods have been used to identify, appraise, and summarize studies addressing a defined question. (It can, but need not, involve meta-analysis).
What is A systematic review
A tool or clinical question or mnemonic would one use to formulate a search strategy by identifying the key concepts that need to be in the article
What is PICO - Population Intervention Comparison Outcome PICO helps you: clearly identify the problem, interventions, and measurable outcomes related to your patient; determine which keywords to use in your database search, and; formulate a searchable clinical foreground question.
The best or highest evidence based study for a question on therapy or treatment
What is a Randomized Control Trial or a cohort or a case control or a case series. RCTs and controlled clinical trials help to answer treatment questions and diagnosis questions. If there aren’t any RCTS or controlled clinical trials move down the EBP pyramid for the next best option
Where you would go if you needed a particular journal or book that we didn’t own
What is the library's online portal. Access the interlibrary form under the third tab on the left. Do not ever take out your credit card and pay for the journal. We can get everything for free
The person who said "For us who nurse, our nursing is a thing which, unless we are making progress every year, every month, every week, take my word for it, we are going back
Who is Florence Nightingale