Travelling with Explorers
Henry Hudson
Martin Frobisher
Sir Francis Drake
Jacques Cartier
When many explorers set out, they did not know that these continents even existed!
What are North America and South America?
He explored this large body of water, North of Manitoba.
What is Hudson Bay?
He started sailing at this early age.
What is nine years old?
Drake sailed for this country.
What is England?
He was credited as the first person to do this.
What is sail into the St. Lawrence River?
Food was not very good. Travellers usually ate this dry biscuit, salted meat, and water and wine.
What is hardtack?
After a long winter, Hudson wanted to continue exploring Hudson Bay, but his crew did not. They committed this act, taking control of Hudson's ship.
What is Mutiny?
Frobisher travelled to North America in search of the Northwest Passage, but was sidetracked by what he thought was this rare mineral on Baffin Island.
What is gold?
Drake was regarded as a hero by the country he sailed for, but also as a pirate by this other country, which despised him.
What is Spain?
On his first voyage in 1534, after claiming the area around Gaspe Bay for France, he committed this act, to prove to people in France that he had found new lands and peoples.
What kidnapping the Wendat leader Dannacona's sons.
This disease is caused by a lack of vitamin C. People who first explored North America suffered from scurvy in the winter because they had no fresh fruit or vegetables.
What is Scurvy?
The people who commit mutiny can be called this.
What are mutineers?
He went back to England with a ship filled with iron pyrite, not gold, which is often called this.
What is fool's gold?
He first went to sea as a cabin boy when he was this many years old.
What is thirteen?
When the French became sick in Cartier's second voyage, Donnacona's son's taught carter and his men to make the cedar bark tea to cure this illness.
What is Scurvy?
These people knew how to prevent and cure scurvy by making tea of cedar or spruce and drinking it.
Who are Aboriginal peoples of North America?
Hudson sailed under two different flags, England and this country.
What is the Netherlands?
Frobisher died after being wounded in a battle with this Country.
What is Spain?
He was given this honour by Queen Elizabeth 1 in 1580.
What is being knighted?
Cartier Kidnapped this aboriginal leader so that he could tell the King of France about the "Kingdome of Saguenay", a mythical place said to be full of gold and diamonds.
Who is Donnacona?
Travel was dangerous for many reasons. When a ship was overtaken, the crew was often killed, forces to be sailors for the enemies, or sold into this.
What is Slavery?
Hudson was last seen in a small boat with his crew and this other person, on Hudson's bay.
Who is his son?
Frobisher had these buried separately from him, and no one knows why.
What are his organs?
Ferdinand Magellan is credited with being the first person to do this. Sir Francis Drake was the first to complete the trip, and live.
What is sail all the way around the world?
Scurvy, distrust between the French and Aboriginal peoples and not enough support from France made the winter very difficult, and ultimately led to this.
What is Cartier's settlement broke up and settlers returned to France?