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In 2009, kids ages 11 to 14 spent the most time with this type of media:
What is TV? (Followed by music, computers, and video games, in that order) Kaiser, 2010:
Of the following choices, a "mash-up" is: A) A glitch on a computer caused by a virus B) A techno remix of a song C) Slang for when a computer crashes and is beyond repair. D) A digital collage containing text, graphics, music, video, or animation from already created digital works combined to create a new work
What is D) A digital collage containing text, graphics, music, video, or animation from already created digital works combined to create a new work
These people can edit articles on Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia. A) Registered users older than 13 B) Employees of Wikipedia C) College professors and students D) All of the above
This was the first home video game console sold in the United States. A) Atari 2600 B) Nintendo NES C) Sega Genesis D) Nintendo Game Boy
What is A) Atari 2600? The Atari 2600 made its debut and sold more than 30 million consoles. Popular Atari games were Pacman and Pitfall. It was also Mr. B's first video game system.
On average, teens (ages 13-17) send and receive this many texts each month. A) 2,000 B) 2,500 C) 3,000 D) 3,500
What is D) 3,500? By the way, adults send about 500. Nielson, 2010:
Of teens (12-17) or adults, this group spends the most time browsing the internet.
In Internet slang, a troll is this. A) A multiplayer game that can be embedded in a website B) Someone who posts spam on online message boards C) A website that takes too long to load D) Internet slang for someone who has an ugly profile picture
What is B) Someone who posts spam on online message boards?
This program allows people to not only listen to but create music. A) Rhaspody B) GarageBand C) Pandora D) iTunes
What is B) GarageBand?
In 1975, this company was founded by partners Bill Gates and Paul Allen.
What is Microsoft?
According to the privacy policies of Facebook, you must be this age in order to register for an account. A) 10 B) 12 C) 13 D) 16
This percentage of tweens (ages 8-12) use a cell phone. A) 37% B) 60% C) 71% D) 85%
An "avatar" is: A) An email address that forwards your email to a different address (alias) B) A graphic image used to represent a real person online C) Someone who tries to get you to give them personal information online D) The fastest jet on many online flight simulator games.
What is B) A graphic image used to represent a real person online?
They have the most followers on Twitter. A) Lady Gaga B) Britney Spears C) Barack Obama D) Justin Beiber
Who is A) Lady Gaga? Last check... she had 12,826,625 followers.
When Dr. Morton Cooper supposedly made the first "modern mobile phone" call on a New York City street in 1973, he was working for this Illinois-based company.
What is Motorola?
You can send this many characters (letters, punctuation, and spaces) in a regular text message. A) 100 B) 160 C) 200 D) 260
What is B) 160?
As of late 2009, YouTube received approximately this many views each day. A) 500,000 B) Over 1 billion C) Over 2 billion D) Over 3 billion
MMOG stands for this. A) Movie Making Online Generator, an online tool that helps people create mash-ups of videos posted on the Web B) The Million Mothers Organizing Group, an online social networking site popular for parents of teenagers C) A Massive Multiplayer Online Game, usually an online world in which multiple players navigate and play together D) IM shorthand to say My Mom's On Guard, a signal to quickly start censoring the conversation
What is C) A Massive Multiplayer Online Game
The growing trend called "lifestreaming" can be described as this.
What is Podcasting from your cell phone?
This Apple computer was Mr. Bunker's first in 1987, and was boasted as having superior graphics and sound.
What is the Apple IIgs?
In 1983, a truly portable cell phone called the DynaTAC 8000X was introduced to the world and was commonly referred to by this nickname.
What is The Brick? This device revolutionized the cell phone business. It was a lightweight device which weighed about 30 ounces. It was called The Brick because it closely resembled a brick used for construction- it had the same shape as a brick.
The first commercial cellphone sold in 1973 for $3,995. In today's dollars, that would be this much money.
What is $19,300?
The process of diagnosing the source of a problem commonly used to fix problems with hardware, software, and many other products.
What is troubleshooting?
This term was coined in January 1999 by Darcy DiNucci, a consultant on electronic information design. It refers to the interactive nature of the World Wide Web.
What is web 2.0?
This was the first computer owned by your parent.
What is ________? You have to ask them! I know... not fair.
According to Sprint, 2/3 of people use their cell phone to do this.
What is find things in the dark?