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Discovering Strengths
This city ranks first on Forbes list of “Most Affordable Place to Live Well”; it ranks fifth globally in the 2007 "Worldwide Quality of Living Survey”; It ranks second to New York as having the most theater seats per capita; It ranks number one in the nation as the best city for technology according to Popular Science; It ranks first in cleanliness, intelligence, and shopping according to Travel and Leisure magazine; It has the highest rate of volunteerism in the nation: It is home to 20 Fortune 500 companies, and it is also officially YOUR new home as well!
What is Minneapolis?
Starting in September of 1993, the class of 2015 should know this NBC late night talk show host. He was right after Jay Leno for 16 years.
Who is Conan O'Brien?
This student resource is very handy for students who have no idea what they want to major in or need to know more information about potential careers in a major. They can also help you write a resume!
What is CLA Career Services?
This web site is the best for viewing an Academic calendar, checking grades, registering for classes, looking for study resources, paying the university, ordering transcripts, and planning out degrees.
What is One Stop?
People with this strength tend to look for consensus. They don’t enjoy conflict; rather, they seek areas of agreement. This is also a word, in music, that describes any simultaneous combination of tones.
What is Harmony?
Robert Zimmerman, better known by this name, was previously enrolled in the University of Minnesota in 1959, but dropped out shortly after to start his career as a very popular musical artist, with hits including Blowin' in the Wind and Mr. Tambourine Man.
Who is Bob Dylan?
Nicknamed “The King”, this professional American Golfer was supposedly the first television sport Superstar back in the 1950’s. However, for the class of 2015, his face might appear on a can of this lemony iced drink, named after him.
Who is Arnold Palmer?
Statistically, students with this undergraduate major have proven to score best on the verbal reasoning section of the MCAT.
What is English?
This online tool helps you strategize the best time to study abroad, do internships, take classes, and volunteer.
What is Graduation Planner?
People with this strength generally find it easy to put their thoughts into words. They are good conversationalists and presenters. Students with this strength might also be interested in a major with the same name.
What is Communication?
The University of Minnesota’s School of Public Affairs was named after this former Vice President under Lyndon Johnson. There is also a terminal named after him in the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.
Who is Hubert Humphrey?
For the class of 2015, this series of books involving inspirational essays and stories have always been around, hungering people with motivation. Many of the books are directed towards specific groups of people, including teenagers, mothers, and, ironically, dieters.
What is Chicken Soup for the Soul?
Agronomy, Biochemistry, Ecology, Toxicology, Genetic Engineering, Botany, Food and Drug Inspection, and Microbiology are just a few fields available to students who choose this major in CLA. It’s also a popular major in the Health and Natural Sciences student community.
What is Biology, Society, and Environment?
This website offers thousands of postings for full‐time jobs, part‐time jobs, summer jobs, internships, volunteer positions, and other opportunities specific to U of M students and alumni.
What is GoldPASS?
People with this strength have certain core values that are unchanging. Out of these values emerges a defined purpose for their life. The band ‘The Darkness’ also has one of these about a thing called love.
What is Belief?
This popular music magazine ranked the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities number nine in its rightfully named “Schools that Rock” competition.
What is Rolling Stone?
The class of 2015 should have all seen this 1992 movie with Mike Myers and Dana Carvey, who are hosts of a late night cable access television show, educating everyone on how to “Party on!”
What is Wayne's World?
While about 65% of medical school applicants major in biology or another physical science, in the last 5 years, medical schools accepted more students with this major than any other.
What is Philosophy?
With approximately 300 programs in 70 countries, this center available to University of Minnesota students is a comprehensive resource for study, service-learning, research, work, internship, volunteer and travel experiences worldwide.
What is the Learning Abroad Center?
People with this strength measure their progress against the performance of others. They strive to win first place and revel in contests.
What is Competition?
Despite being claimed the St. Paul campus, this city is the actual location of the St. Paul campus.
What is Falcon Heights?
Written in 1994 by relationship counselor John Gray, this book claims that people in relationships can be on completely different planets.
What is Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus?
Today, Hugh Hefner is known as the silk-pajama-sporting founder of Playboy magazine and a dedicated ladies’ man, but in college, he was a dedicated student of this major.
What is Psychology?
Located in the University Libraries, students can use these one-stop learning resources to get help in finding material, honing writing skills, or get one-on-one tutoring in any subject they might be struggling with.
What are the SMART Learning Commons?
People with this strength recognize and cultivate the potential in others. They spot the signs of each small improvement and derive satisfaction from these improvements. Students of photography might also use this substance to make their prints visible.
What is Developer?