Famous Jewish Actors
Famous Jewish Sports People
Jewish Themed Movies
Famous Biblical Jews
Another name for Chanukah.
What is the Festival of Lights?
After Eddie Murphy stepped down to host the Oscars, this Jew, who hosted the Oscars in 1990–1993, 1997, 1998, 2000, and 2004, agreed to step in.
Who is Billy Crystal?
Nicknamed the “The Hebrew Hammer”, this famous Jewish athlete hit 58 home runs in 1938, equaling Jimmie Foxx's 1932 mark for the most home runs in one season by any player between 1927 (when Babe Ruth set a record of 60) and 1961 (when Roger Maris surpassed it), and then served his country during World War II for 45 months (the longest of any major league player).
Who is Hank Greenberg?
This Jewish themed movie, whose lead actor is most famous for battling apes, tells the story of the Jews fleeing Egypt.
What is the Ten Commandments?
He was raised in the court of the Pharaoh in Egypt, but then led the Hebrew people out of Egypt.
What is Moses?
It begins on the 25th day of Kislev and commemorates the rededication of the Holy Temple (the Second Temple) in Jerusalem at the time of the Maccabean Revolt of the 2nd century BCE.
What is Hanukkah?
Known for her violet eyes, this famous Jewish actress died on March 23, 2011.
Who is Elizabeth Taylor?
At the 1994 Lillehammer Winter Olympics, this 16-year-old rumored Jew gained international attention when she captured the gold medal in women's ice skating and was also named as “One of the 10 Most Fascinating Personalities of 1994” by Barbara Walters.
Who is Oksana Baiul?
This romantic comedy starring Amy Irving and Peter Riegert was directed by Joan Micklin Silver and based on a play by Susan Sandler.
What is Crossing Delancey?
Had a coat of many different colors?
Who is Joseph?
It is a unique candelabrum with eight branches with an additional raised branch.
What is Menorah or Hanukiah?
This famous Jew’s mother was best known for work on Laugh In, Foul Play and attending Michael Raichelson’s high school baseball games.
Who is Kate Hudson?
A fan favorite in swim-mad Australia at the 2000 Sydney Olympics, this famous Jewish swim instructor, who is teaching Bella how to swim, competed in three events for the United States swimming team, and won three gold medals.
Who is Lenny Krayzelburg?
Based on Tevye and his Daughters and starring Zero Mostel, this musical ranked as the seventh most frequently produced musical by U.S. high schools in 2007.
What is Fiddler on the Roof?
He told her not to bite the apple.
Who is Adam?
He ordered an altar to Zeus erected in the Temple, he banned circumcision and ordered pigs to be sacrificed at the altar of the temple, which provoked a large scale revolt.
Who is Antiochus?
This famous Jewish actress was married to Cary Grant and was most recently seen courtside at Laker’s games.
Who is Dyan Cannon?
This famous Jewish left hander kept Kosher at home, hurled two no hitters and was also a 20 game winner.
Who is Kenneth Dale Holtzman?
This 1993 film about a German businessman who saved the lives of more than a thousand mostly Polish-Jewish refugees during the Holocaust by employing them in his factories was a box office success and recipient of seven Academy Awards.
What is Shindler’s List?
She bit the apple.
Who is Eve?
After successfully leading a rebellion against the Seleucid monarchy, he ordered the Temple to be cleansed, a new altar to be built in place of the polluted one and new holy vessels to be made.
Who is Judah?
After being born Bernard Schwartz in the Bronx in 1925 and receiving a purple heart in World War II during the invasion of Guam, this famous Jewish actor went on to star in Some Like It Hot, Spartacus, Houdini, The Great Race, and the Boston Strangler.
Who is Tony Curtis?
Known for his intense and intimidating style of play, this famous Jewish defensive lineman died after a battle with brain cancer in 1992 at the age of 43.
Who is Lyle Alzado?
This film’s main character, which is widely regarded as one of Meryl Streep's finest performances, winning her an Academy Award for Best Actress, was married but her husband and her father were killed in a German work camp and she was interned in the Auschwitz concentration camp.
What is Sophie’s Choice?
Warrior, musician, poet (author of Psalm 23 - The Lord is My Shepherd), friend of Jonathan, and king, David (1005-965) is familiar from the story of his killing the giant Goliath with his sling during the battle that the Israelites fought against the Philistines.
Who is David?