Colon, Semicolon, or Comma
Common Comma Errors
Guiding Light
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She is diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and Anxiety Disorder (?) degenerative disc disease with radiculopathy (?) and heart disease, status-post myocardial infarction.
In this case, you can use commas or semicolons between the diagnoses, which will likely make them easier to read. She is diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and Anxiety Disorder; degenerative disc disease with radiculopathy; and heart disease, status-post myocardial infarction.
True or False When a sentence contains a list of three items, there will be at least three commas in the sentence?
False There will be at least two commas, unless semicolns are used to separate the items. For example: We took a sleeping bag, food, and wood camping.
On what page(s) of the Grammar Guide would you find the answer to a question to noun/pronoun agreement?
Pages 4 and 5
What is wrong with this sentence? In the law of defamation, slander "per se" refers to certain language that is actionable as slander in and of itself without proof of special damages.
The words "per se" should be italicized, not in quotes. Generally, latin words are placed in italics. Additionally, in law review articles, quotation marks are used when quoting, italics are used for emphasis.
We made a list for the grocery which included (?) milk, eggs, and tofu.
No punctuation is used unless the sentence preceeding the list is complete. For example: We visited many cities while traveling: Norway, Sweden, and Russia. Note: there are two spaces after the colon.
Where is/are the comma(s) placed in a sentence containing an independent clause?
Before and after the clause.
Where do you find our local rules?
The Style Guide or the Grammar Guide.
How many words does a block quote require?
50 or more
We like to go snowboarding (?) especially during the winter.
A comma would be used here. A semicolon would have been used if we were linking two independent clauses which were closely related. For example: We like to go snowboarding; Snowbowl has the best powder.
True or False Commas should be placed when there is a natural pause in the sentence.
Maybe This is not a good rule to go by, and will frequently result in over use of the comma. If you have a question about whether a comma should be placed, look at the rules. Or ask Andrew.
What is the difference between the Style Guide and the Grammar Guide (which now contains most of the information from the Style Guide).
The Style Guide is provided to authors and other third parties; the Grammar Guide is for staff editors.
During what round of the Grammar edits, should you be looking at style issues?
The last round is dedicated to style. This is to ensure that all changes are also formatted correctly.
Modify this sentence to make it correct: The woman was a doctor, a mother, and a wife.
The woman was a doctor, mother, and wife.
Give two examples of proper comma placement.
That is correct.
Who are the Articles Team editors?
Andrew Hanna Shawn Whiting Sheri Shudde Melissa Cain
True or false During the style edits, you should check for and correct any margin issues.
False If you see that there is an issue with the formatting of margins, please insert a comment, send an email to your team leader, or let one of the Articles editors know.
Modify this sentence to make it correct: We stayed at an expensive, summer resort.
We stayed at an expensive summer resort. If you would not place an and between the adjectives, there is no comma.
DAILY DOUBLE Rewrite this sentence with proper comma placement: In the end we were all thankful because as always Keri brought dinner.
In the end, we were all thankful because, as always, Keri brought dinner.
Who can you contact concerning questions about grammar and style?
Team leaders Articles editors Other team members Professor L. Miller The red book The blue book
DAILY DOUBLE What is the short form for Phoenix Law Review?