Super's Theory
Roe's Theory
Counseling For Women
Name that Theory
Assessment Instruments
This stage of Super's Theory is divided into the 3 subs stages Fantasy, Interest, and Capacity
What is The Growth Stage
This is what Roe's Theory says could be majorly influenced by unmet needs in our childhood
What is Career Choice
This theory states that unmet needs in our childhood could have a major influence on career choice
What is Roe's Theory
These tests provide a measure of a particular skill or the ability to acquire a skill.
What is Aptitude tests
This stage of Super's Theory happens between the ages 14 to 24
What is The Exploration Stage
This is the parent-child relationship that leads children to develop a lack of trust in other people
What are Rejecting Parents
This theory explains how compromise takes place in vocational decision making, identifies factors associated with social identity, and explores the difficulties that women face entering nontraditional careers
What is Gottfredson's Theory
This theory focuses on the 5 stages of career development
What is Super's Theory
These tests assess current level of functioning regarding abilities such as reading, arithmetic, and language usage
What is Achievement tests
This stage of Super's Theory is divided into the 2 subgroups Commitment/stabilization and Advancement
What is The Establishment Stage
This is the parent-child relationship that meets all the basic wants and needs of a child
What are Accepting Parents
This theory holds the belief that one is capable of performing in a certain manner to attain certain goals
What is Self-Efficacy Theory
This theory states that people will search for work environments that will let them use their skills and abilities, and express their attitudes and values, while taking on enjoyable problems and roles
What is Holland's Theory
These are used to assess personal and career interests to facilitate education/career planning and placement
What are Interest Inventories
This stage of Super's Theory happens between the ages 44 to 64
What is The Maintenance Stage
This is the parent-child relationship that leads children to be less prone to receive the needs of love and self-esteem
What are Overprotective or Excessively Demanding Parents
These are the 3 implications explained in ch. 13 for the Self-Efficacy Theory and Gottfredson's Theory
What is Experience indecision, Needing assistance in identifying occupation, and Incongruent aspirations
This theory states that if you change a person's behaviors, his thoughts and feelings will change to minimize the dissonance
What is Cognitive-Dissonance Theory
These are used to assess the interface between personal values and the world of work
What are Value Inventories
These are the 5 stages of career development involved in Super's Theory
What is Growth, Exploration, Establishment, Maintenance, and Decline
These are the 3 types of parent-child relationships involved in Roe's Theory
What is Overprotective or excessively demanding parents, Rejecting parents, and Accepting parents
These are the two theories that are involved in career counseling for women covered in chapter 13
What is Self-Efficacy Theory and Gottfredson's Theory
This theory includes 3 models called the Expected Utility Model, the Sequential Elimination Model, and the Conjunctive Model
What is the Multiple Career Decision-Making Theory
Examples of these tests are The Edwards Personal Preference Schedule, The Guilford-Zimmerman Temperament Survey, and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
What are Personality Inventories