So Cheesy
At Risk
Shoot for the Moon
Attention: Intervention
Axis I
What is mental disorder, V-codes, rule outs, provisional dxs.
Mice names
What are Sniff and Scurry
Name four assessment guidelines for substance abuse.
What are patterns of use, triggers, contexts, review consequences, motivation for tx, life events contributing to abuse, comorbidities, strengths and adaptive coping skills, social support, suicide risk.
Name two Alzheimer’s intervention goals.
What are safety, comfort, and productivity as long as possible; family/caregiver support.
___________ management is a school based intervention for ADHD, more effective than CBT.
What is contingency?
Axis II
What is personality disorders and mental retardation.
Hem and Haw
Who are the littlepeople?
Name three assessment guidelines for ODD and CD.
What are maintain awareness that transient oppositionality is common; consider less severe dx is appropriate (adjustment d/o or V-code), differential dx with ADHD, consider whether bxs are protective (living in impoverished, high crime area), consider PTSD, CD dxd in adults only when antisocial criteria are not met
Name three substance abuse intervention goals.
What are reduce or eliminate use; mend relationships, reduce impulsivity, social skill training, vocational skill training, employment, relapse prevention. For adolescents, improve family communication, parenting skills for parents, substance abuse tx for parents if applicable, lifestyle changes for adolescent and families.
Name four popular psychosocial treatment approaches for substance use disorders.
What are 12 step programs and alternative self-help groups, motivational interviewing, CBT, family interventions.
Axis III and Axis V
What are medical conditions with a direct bearing on Axis I or II and global assessment of functioning.
_____ the cheese often so you know when it is getting old.
What is smell?
Name three assessment areas of interest in borderline personality disorder.
What are differentiating between a personality disorder and recent stressors, social skill deficits, substance use effects, bipolar disorder, are identity concerns related to phase of life and therefore normalized, are manipulative gestures related to nurturance or power?
Name four eating disorder intervention goals.
What are achieve healthy weight, reduce/eliminate purging and binge-eating behaviors, provide education regarding healthy eating and exercising, referrals to medical doctors to treat physical complications, address maladaptive thoughts, treat comorbid disorders, increase coping skills and problems solving abilities, address psychosocial issues such as body image distress and gender role expectations, address family issues and involve family in treatment as appropriate, improve interpersonal and social functioning, and relapse prevention.
Client satisfaction with interventions for schizophrenia are associated with these factors: (name two)
What are absence of significant drug side effects, participation in treatment planning and decision-making, and family involvement in the intervention plan.
Axis IV (name four)
What are problems with primary support, economic or social problems, access to health care, educational problems, legal problems, occupational problems, housing problems, and psychosocial stressors.
When you move beyond your ____ you feel ____.
What are fear and free?
Name three intervention goals for ODD and CD.
What are improve parenting skills, social skill development, improve problem solving, increase compliance in classroom, reduce deviant bxs, reduce antisocial peer relationships, reduce aggression.
Initial intervention for depression is to assess for risk of suicide. Name five risk factors for suicide.
What are suicidal ideation, intent, and plan; hx of suicide attempt, access to lethal means, psychosis, substance use, conduct problems, family hx or recent exposure to suicide.
Name five components of the Mental Status Examination.
What is appearance, movement and behavior, affect, mood, speech, thought content, thought process, cognition, judgment, insight.
It is safer to search in the maze than to remain in a __________ situation.
What is cheeseless?
Name three intervention goals for schizophrenia.
What is medication compliance, reduced hospitalizations, community adjustment, relabel psychotic experiences as a sx rather than reality, improve social skills, increase coping skills, family participation in treatment and reduce criticism, hostility, and over-involvement; vocational rehabilitation.
Name five CBT treatment components for anxiety disorders.
What are psychoeducation, monitoring anxiety symptoms, cognitive restructuring, breathing retraining, progressive muscle relaxation, problem solving, and exposure.