Chapter 2 Vocab
Chapter 3 Vocab
The Constitution
A document written in 1776 that proclaimed that the right of the the American colonies to separate from Great Britain.
What is the Declaration of Independence?
The belief that having separate and equally powerful levels of government is the best arrangement.
What is dual federalism?
A distinct system of the national government that doesn't allow a single branch to get to powerful.
What are checks and balances?
A term used to characterize the relationship between the national and state governments that began with the New Deal. The "marble cake."
What is cooperative federalism?
Philosophy that describes the system between the national and state governments created by the Framers.
What is federalism?
An agreement reached at the Constitutional Convention stipulated that each slave was to be counted as three-fifths of a person for purposes of determining population for representation in the U.S. House of Representatives.
What is the Three-Fifths Compromise?
A law declaring an act illegal without a judicial trial.
What is the bill of attainder?
The number of formal amendments added to the constitution.
What is 27
The president who issued the New Deal.
Who is Franklin D. Roosevelt?
Although not expressed, these are powers that may be reasonably inferred from the Constitution.
What are implied powers?
The first ten amendments to the U.S. constitution.
What is the Bill of Rights?
The portion of Article VI of the U.S. Constitution that mandates tht national law is supreme to all other laws passed by the states or by any other laws passed by the states or by any other subdivision of government.
What is supremacy clause?
What does Article 1 of the Constitution describe?
What is the legislative branch and its powers?
The Civil War Amendments.
What are the thirteenth, fourteeth, and fifteenth amendments?
A term used to characterize the relationship between the nation and state governments that began with the New Deal. "marble cake" federalism
What is cooperative federalism
Found in the final paragraph of Article I, section 8, of the U.S. Constitution, it gives Congress the authority to pass all laws "___________ and ___________" to carry out the enumerated powers specified in the Constitution.
What is the necessary and proper clause?
National laws that direct states or local governments to comply with federal rules or regulations inder threat of civil or criminal penalties or as a condition of receipt of any federal grants.
What is mandates?
Before the Constitution was written, what form of government was in place?
What is a confederation?
Issued the "Great Society" program and created the "War on Poverty."
Who is President Lyndon B. Johnson?
Grant for which Congress appropriates funds for a specific purpose
What is a categorical grant?
Seventeen specific powers granted to Congress under Article I, section 8, of the U.S. Consitution; these powers include taxation, coinage of money, regulation of commerce, and the authority to provide for a national defense.
What are the enumerated powers?
The Supreme Court upheld the power of the national government and denied the right of a state to tax the bank. The Court's broad interpretation of the necessary and proper clause paved way for later rulings upholding expansive federal powers.
What is McCulloch v. Maryland?
Name one check/balance the legislature has over the executive branch.
What is.. Various, can include override veto, impeachment, refuse appointments, refuse ratification of treaties, create executive agencies, appropriate funds.
The Chief Justice of the United States from 1801-1835 who helped lay the basis for American constitutional law.
Who is Chief Justice Marshall?
What article of the Constitution provides national guarantees to the states?
What is Article IV?