chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
This amendment gave women suffrage in 1920.
what is the Nineteenth Amendment
The dynamic 1920's revealed women notorious for their risky attire and dance styles.
What are Flappers
He was the head of the Food Administration during World War I. He became the Secretary of Commerce and encouraged businesses to regulate themselves.
Who is Herbert Hoover
Roosevelt's New Deal programs aimed at relief, recovery, and reform.
What is The three R's
A law passed in March of 1941 by sweeping majorities in both houses of Congress. This law said that the U.S. would lend or lease weapons to overseas countries and victims of aggression who would in turn finish the job of the fighting, and keep the war overseas from the U.S.
What is Lend-Lease
This treaty was created to solve problems made by World War I.
what is the treaty of versailles
In the 1920s this group was very anti-foreign. It was against all groups which did not have a protestant background.
What is the Ku Klux Klan
It occurred on October 29, 1929, when 16,410,030 shares of stocks were sold in a save-who-may scramble. It marked the beginning of the Great Depression.
What is Black Tuesday
In 1933, this act allowed the banks to reopen and it gave the president the power to regulate banking transactions and foreign exchange.
What is Glass-Steagall Act
He was the prime minister of England during World War II.
What is Winston Churchill
were introduced by Wilson in 1918. It was Wilson's peace plan to prevent future wars.
What is Fourteen Points
The American public was scared that communism would come into the US. Left-winged supporters were suspected.
What is the red scare
A group of almost 20,000 World War I veterans who were hard-hit victims of the depression, who wanted what the government owed them for their services and marched to Washington and set up public camps
What is Bonus Army
It created a federal insurance program based on the automatic collection of taxes from employees and employers throughout people's working careers
What is Social Security Act of 1935
Harsh and strict Communist dictator of Russia. One of the three big powers during WWII along with Roosevelt from the US and Churchill from Great Britain.
What is Joseph Stalin
The idea that all people can have independence and make up their own government. This was one of Wilson's fourteen points.
What is Self-Determination
he made assembly line production more efficient. He helped to make cars inexpensive so more Americans could buy them.
Who is Henry Ford
The president of the United States from 1929 to 1932 He was a republican who ran on a campaign of prohibition and prosperity.
Who is Herbert Hoover
Wife of Franklin Roosevelt; she traveled everywhere with him on behalf of all his campaigns; she became the most active First Lady in history
Who is Eleanor Roosevelt
A very crude leader that took advantage of a depression-stricken nation. He was a manipulative and feared dictator that vented his anger on the Jewish Nation.
Who is Adolf Hitler
These communists organized a revolution in Russia to overthrow the tsar.
what were the Bolsheviks
Joined the prosecution in the " Monkey Trials" (Scopes Trial) against the teachings of evolution in schools
Who is William Jennings Bryan
became president when Harding died of pneumonia.
Who is Calvin Coolidge
He was a Senator from Nebraska, whose steadfast vision and zeal helped an act creating the Tennessee Valley Authority to be passed in 1933.
Who is George W. Norris
In 1927, he was the first person to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean in his plane, the Spirit of Saint Louis. He later became an ambassador of goodwill for the United States.
Who is Charles Lindbergh