Main Idea
Text Details
Drawing Conclusions
What is the formula to make an inference?
what I read + what I know = inference
What is a generalization?
It is a broad/general idea about a text. It is an assumption.
What is the definition of main idea?
What the author wants you to take away from a text. Overall idea of a text.
Details that support the main idea are called______________ details.
A conclusion from the text connects what you read with __________________________.
What you know, the world, anything outside of the text that relates to the topic.
What two main things does a reader need to make an inference?
Background knowledge AND clues from the text
Identify the generalization: A.) Tomatoes are red. B.) All teenagers are irresponsible. C.) All birds have beaks. D.) Trees give off oxygen.
True or False The main idea will always be directly stated within the passage.
Details that do not support the main idea are called _______________ details.
A conclusion is similar to an _______________________ because it combines what you know and what you read.
generalization, inference
You accidentally left all of the windows of your car open and it is going to rain this evening. What inference can you make about what is going to happen to your car?
Everything will get wet; seats, radio, dashboard, etc.
I live in California and I wear sandals a lot. All of my friends wear sandals too. Generalization: All people who wear sandals live by the ocean. True or False?
Blue Ribbon BBQ sauce is the best BBQ sauce around. It is tangy, sweet, and has a kick. Blue Ribbon BBQ sauce is made only with the freshest ingredients. Other sauces use fake flavoring chemicals to create their taste. What is the main idea? A.) Blue Ribbon BBQ sauce is the best BBQ sauce. B.) Blue Ribbon BBQ sauce is made with fresh ingredients. C.) Blue Ribbon BBQ sauce is tangy, sweet, and has a kick.
Blueberries are America's favorite fruit! You can eat them in your cereal, you can eat them plain, you can eat them in your waffles. 65% of the fruit sold in the grocery store is blueberries. I love blueberries. Which detail supports the main idea? Main Idea: Blueberries are America's favorite fruit! A. Blueberries are good in waffles B. Blueberries are good in cereal C. 65% of the fruit sold is blueberries D. I love blueberries
A tornado is coming! Your apartment is directly in the path of the storm. You live on the 7th floor of an apartment building. The storm is scheduled to hit in 45 min. Your friend lives across the street in a house with a basement. Based on the text and what you already know, draw a conclusion about how you would act in this situation.
I would go over to my friends house and wait out the storm in the basement.
Your teacher tells you to bring two pencils, notebook paper, and to look over your notes before the next class. What can you infer is going to happen the next day in class?
A quiz.
What do you need from the text that makes a generalization true?
Soccer players learn many skills when playing soccer. Soccer players learn how to dribble and pass the ball. They also learn how to control the ball so they can eventually score. Most importantly, soccer players learn how to work together with their teammates. What is the main idea?
Soccer players learn many skills when playing soccer.
Please call me between the hours of 5pm and 7pm Monday – Friday on my phone (436) 390 – 0992. This is my cell phone number. I do not have a house phone because my kids stay glued to it. I work at a school teaching math during the day, so my phone will be off. I would like to hire these students before July 15th, so please respond quickly! Main Idea: Students will be paid for their work and should contact someone by phone to apply. What detail is irrelevant to the passage? A.) I would like to hire these students before July 15th so respond quickly. B.) I do not have a house phone because my kids stay glued to it. C.) Please call me between the hours of 5pm and 7pm. D.) I work at a school teaching math during the day, so my phone will be off.
Your favorite football team is coming to give a speech about responsibility at your local library. You have a big test the next day, but decide to skip studying to see your favorite players. You are very sleepy at school the next day and don't do very well on your test. Draw conclusions from this text.
You were not very responsible going to see your football team when you were not prepared for the test. School is more important, and you let the team down by not being responsible. Next time you will remember to be responsible.
Alex and Britney are best friends. They decided to go to the park one day and stumbled upon a wooden box halfway buried in the ground. When they opened it they found a compass and an old yellow piece of paper with some smudges of ink on it with a large red X on a certain spot. What can you infer is going to happen in the story?
They found a treasure map! They are going to go find the treasure!
In 1994, the Tulsa government passed a law making it illegal to kill groundhogs. Many people were having problems with the groundhogs in their yard, but they are an endangered species so we want to ensure their survival. Now everyone in Tulsa is happy that the groundhogs will be saved. What is the generalization in this passage?
Now everyone in Tulsa is happy that the groundhogs will be saved.
One in thirty swimmers is attacked by a shark at some point in their life. Sharks have really sharp teeth and aggressively try to eat humans. The only way to defend against a shark is to punch it in the nose. Hint: The main idea is inferred, not directly in the text.
Sharks are dangerous to people who swim in the ocean.
Some people think that cell phones harm your brain. Many say that it happens when you talk on them. Studies show that cell phones increase brain activity more than normal conversation. We do not know if this increased activity is harmful. Many people have stopped talking on their cell phones, just in case. Main Idea: Talking on cell phones is harmful for your brain. Which detail supports the main idea? A. Many people say talking on cell phones is harmful B. Studies show that cell phones increase brain activity. C. We do not know if this activity is harmful. D. Many people have stopped using cell phones.
DAILY DOUBLE!!! THIS QUESTION IS WORTH 2x Summer school has been a lot of work! I have had good attendance and my teachers tell me that I have learned a lot. I knew a lot of the answers in this review, and feel really prepared for the test tomorrow. I know that I have learned a lot in these 5 weeks! Make a conclusion about how you learned so much!
Hard work, focus, attendance, participation...