French Revolution
Used for executions
Believed the earth revolved around the sun
Who became emperor of France as a result of the French Revolution?
Napoleon Bonaparte
What is the 2nd step in the Scientific Method?
Form a Hypothesis
Brought together intellectuals in social gatherings to discuss ideas
Believed people are naturally good
John Locke
How did the French people respond when Napoleon escaped from Elba and returned to France?
Many French people despised Napoleon for dragging France through years of bitter warfare. However, many other French citizens adored Napoleon for the reforms he had made and the glory he had won for France. In fact, troops sent to arrest Napoleon pledged their loyalty to him instead.
Name the three estates and tell who was in each estate
The First Estate was made up of the Roman Catholic clergy. The Second Estate was made up of the nobility. The Third Estate, most of the population, was made up of three groups: the bourgeoisie—the city-dwelling merchants, factory owners, and professionals; the artisans and workers of the cities; and the peasants.
What is the 1st step in the Scientific Method?
Identify a Problem
2nd Estate
Believed people are naturally selfish and greedy
Thomas Hobbes
How did Enlightenment ideas contribute to the French Revolution?
Many educated members of the bourgeoisie knew about the writings of the great Enlightenment philosophers Locke, Montesquieu, and Rousseau. They also knew how Great Britain’s government had limited the king’s power, and had seen how the American colonists, inspired by Enlightenment ideas, had successfully rebelled against their king.
What is the last step in the Scientific Method?
Draw a Conclusion
Weak governing board that ended when Napoleon seized power
How did John Locke's ideas influence American Revolutionaries?
John Locke’s idea that government existed to protect the natural rights of its people and could be overthrown if it ceased to do so inspired American revolutionaries to break free from the British monarchy.
Give three reasons why the Russian Campaign was a disaster for Napoleon?
In June 1812, Napoleon’s army invaded Russia. The heat and lack of supplies caused disease and desertion. Russian troops withdrew before his advance, and peasants scorched their fields, so there was nothing the French army could use. When the army finally got to Moscow, the city was deserted and in flames. Nothing in the city could support the troops, forcing the French to retreat. However, when winter set in, starvation and freezing temperatures killed most of Napoleon’s troops.
How did economic problems contribute to the French Revolution?
First, France was deeply in debt. France had borrowed huge sums to pay for wars, yet the king and court continued to spend lavishly. By 1787, half the taxes collected in the country were needed just to pay the country’s debt. At the same time, a hailstorm and a drought ruined the harvest in 1787, while the following winter was the worst in 80 years. Hunger and cold made life wretched for many French citizens, making people angry.
What Enlightenment concepts did the Declaration of Independence express?
The Declaration of Independence drew on the Enlightenment ideas that citizens had important civil rights (including the right to trial, the right to elect members of Parliament, and the right to an independent judicial system), and that people had the right to overthrow a government that did not protect those rights.
Bourgeoisie, artisans, workers, peasants
3rd Estate
Argued the best form of government should involve a separation of powers
Baron de Montesquieu
A forced transfer of power
coup d’état
Why did leaders of the Congress of Vienna redraw the borders of many European nations?
The Congress of Vienna redrew the borders of many European nations in order to strengthen nations surrounding France. They wanted to lessen the chance that France would invade its neighbors again. They also rewarded countries that had fought against France with territory and took territory away from countries that had aided France.
What advantages did the Continental Army have over the British in the War for Independence? What disadvantages did it have?
The Continental Army was hampered by having very little money. However,the soldiers had an able and resourceful leader in General Washington, and the advantage of fighting in their own land.