Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
What is Little Tree's work life like on the farm?
He has a great many adult responsibilities like helping to farm and make whiskey.
What is Granma's philosophy about good things?
They should be shared.
What is Granpa's trade?
Making whiskey.
What does Granpa tell Little Tree about loving.
Without loving we would feel empty all the time.
How does Granpa explain the jumpings in New York?
He says the people do not have enough land.
Why is the story that Pine Billy tells about the Chicago criminal considerd humorous by some?
Chicago is in Illinois.
What is unique about the way Cherokees raise children with regard to the woods?
They do nothing to discourage a relationship with nature.
What does Granpa tell Little Tree about trades?
You must take pride in your trades.
Why does Mr. Jenkins have to give Little Tree an old piece of candy?
Little Tree does not feel he deserves a new one.
What are sharecroppers?
People who work on other people's lands for a share of the crop profits.
What is Pine Billy's strategy for winning the Red Eagle contest?
He is going to say it is the best and that he will never use any other kind.
What lesson does Little Tree learn from watching the umbrella spider?
Never give up/keep trying.
How do Granpa and Granma protect their still?
Keep quiet around it, use dogs, and listen for signs that people may be coming.
Why does the politician not shake hands with Granpa or Little Tree?
They are indians and not the people he wants to be associated with.
Why would some consider Granpa and Granma lazy?
they live off the land and do not work all day.
Why is Pine Billy's story ironic?
The Chicago native is treated as an outsider by people who are sensitive to being treated as outsiders themselves.
Why must Little Tree keep his knowledge a secret?
The white man would not be accepting of it.
Why does Granpa send Little Tree away with the liquor when they hear someone coming?
so he can get away with some of the liquor.
What does Granpa mention to Little Tree about the politician after Little Tree leaves?
You can't find any truth in him; he also did not mention the whiskey tax or the price of corn.
Why does the litte girl's father reject the gift.
They do not accept charity or want anything from indians.
What seems to be Pine Billy's worst trait (think about how he treats the Chicago native and why)>
He is somewhat ignorant of the modern world.
How do we know that Granma's pa's spirit mind was so large?
He was very connected with nature: the trees, etc.
Why is Granpa willing to put Little Tree in a dangerous situation with regard to the liquor?
The liquor is their only income; he can handle it.
How does the "Christian" convince Little Tree to buy the calf?
He makes Little Tree believe that the cow is a straight-up bargain; the salesman sells himself as a good man.
What is the point of the story Granpa tells Little Tree about the sharecroppers?
Hitting the girl causes the hitter just as much pain as the girl being hit (if not more).