3 equations of motion- linear motion!
3 equations of motion- parabolic motion!
graphing complex mathematical representations
Newton's Laws!
Grab Bag!
how fast an object is moving + direction of travel
What is the definition for velocity?
an object that is pulled down by gravity
What is a projectile?
What is the slope of a position vs. time graph?
An object in motion (at rest) stays in motion (rest) unless acted on by an outside force
What is Newton's First Law?
velocity tells you how fast an object is moving whereas acceleration tells you how fast an object is speeding up or slowing down
What is the difference between velocity and acceleration?
No force in x direction of motion
Why does a projectile have a constant velocity in the x direction of motion?
What is the slope of a velocity vs. time graph?
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
What is Newton's Third Law
0 m/s
What is the value of the velocity in the y direction at the top of the projectile's path?
-5 m/s^2
A space ship traveling in straight line with an initial velocity of 80 m/s east slows down to 60 m/s in 4 seconds. What is the acceleration of the space ship
5 m/s
What is the velocity (slope) for the following P-T graph information: P (m) T (s) 0 0 5 1
2 m/s^2
What is the acceleration of a 5kg box that has a horizontal force of 10 N pushing the box to the right?
What is the net force acting on a box that is being pulled to the right by 50 N and pulled to the left by 30N? What is the overall acceleration of the box is its mass is 5 kg?
20 N 4 m/s^2
20 s
A UFO is traveling in a straight line at an initial velocity of 40 m/s speed up to a velocity of 80 m/s with an acceleration of 2 m/s^2. How much time passes during this acceleration?
300 m
A ball is thrown horizontally at 10 m/s from the top of a cliff. If the ball is traveling for 30 seconds before reaching the ground, how far did the ball land from the base of the cliff?
the object is not accelerating (not speeding up or slowing down)
If a velocity vs. time graph for an object is a straight horizontal line, what does that tell you about the acceleration of the object?
What is the acceleration of the 10 kg box that is being pulled to the right by 40 N with a frictional force of 10 N to the left?
-3 m/s^2
What is the acceleration of a box that is pulled by 30 N to the left with a mass of 10 kg?
15 m/s
A scientist throws a rock up and it reaches a displacement of 10 meters. The acceleration of the rock is -10m/s^2 and the time it takes to reach the height of its path is 2 seconds. Calculate the initial velocity of the rock
2 s
A cannon is shot horizontally at 20 m/s to hit a pirate ship that is 40 meters away. Find the time that it took the cannon to strike the ship.
What is the Human Mission to Mars?
An expedition to Mars projected to occur by the year 2023.