Physical Assessment
Post Op
A febrile preschool- aged child presents to the after-hours clinic. Varicella is diagnosed on the basis of the illness history and the presence of the small, circumscribed skin lesions filled with serous fluid. The nurse documents the varicellar lesions as which type? A. Vesicle B. Wheal C. Papule D. Pustule
What is A, a vesicle
What controls the involuntary and voluntary control of the respiratory system?
- medulla (involuntary) - cortex (voluntary)
What is the simplest form of a protein?
amino acid
What is the wave-like motion that propels contents along the entire length of the small and large intestine?
- peristalsis
What is the PACU? What should the nurse be assessing?
Post Anesthesia Care Unit -ABC's - LOC - VS - surgical site - output - drainage - IV - fluid balance
Objective physical data describe air moving through small airways over the lung's periphery. he expected inspiratory-to-expiratory phase of this normal vesicular breath sound is which of the following? A. The inspiratory phase lasts exactly as long as the expiratory phase B. The expiration phase is longer than the inspiration phase. C. The inspiratory phase is three times longer than the expiratory phase D. The expiration phase is two times longer than the expiratory phase
C. The inspiratory phase is three times longer than the expiratory phase
On inspiration the diaphragm ___A___ and the lungs __B____. On expiration the diaphragm ____C___ and the lungs ___D__.
A. goes down B. go up C. Goes up D. Goes down
Lack of this vitamin causes erythrocyte hemolysis
- Vitamin E
What is the name for a newborn's poo? color?
- meconium, green and sticky
Susie is coming out of the PACU and into the ACC. The nurse notes that her vitals signs are BP 105/60, HR 89, T 99.6, RR 20, and O2 92. What else should the nurse find out from the previous RN about Susie coming from the PACU?
Hand off information
Course low pitched sound resembling two pieces of leather rubbing together
pleural friction rub
hypoxia, increases RR, recurrent cough and increased sputum production, digital clubbing are all signs and symptoms of what respiratory problem?
- chronic bronchitis
This vitamin in the reversal for coumadin
- Vitamin K
Benjamin is a 67 years old and is complaining of abdominal cramping. He claims he hasn't has a bowel movement in 5 days. What is the best nursing action you can do? A. Encourage him to ambulate B. Increase fluid intake C. Give an enema D. Put him on a bedpan
C. enema
Mandy has just come out of surgery and is stable. The nurse checks her vital signs and begins assessing... A. Do Homan's sign to check for blood clots B. Listen for bowel sounds C. Check neurological status for signs of delirium D. Auscultate the lower lobes for any crackles
D. Auscultate the lower lobes for crackles
Name and point to all the places you can measure pulses
- radial - carotid - brachial - femoral -dorsal pedialis - popliteal - posterior tibial
Explain ventilation, perfusion and gas exchange
-ventilation- air flow- moving gases into and out of lungs -perfusion- blood flow- circulatory system to pump oxygenated blood to tissues and deoxygenated blood back -gas exchange- diffusion- occurs at aveoli, oxygen from lungs to blood and CO2 moves from blood to lungs to be exhaled
Annie is on a clear liquid diet. Which can she have, (select all that apply): A. Milk B. Jello C. Chicken broth D. Ice cream
B and C
Involuntary urination after the age of when continence should be present is known as: A. Dysuria B. Enuresis C. Retention D. Nocturia
B. Enuresis
Tyler is a 77 year old on 5 mg PRN of oxycodone recovering from hip surgery. He has a history of hypertension, cirrosis, lipidemia, and cataracts. Tyler has already had 2 doses of oxycodone in the past 6 hours and is still complaining of pain. The nurse notes that Tyler is starting to ask where he is and can't remember how he got here. What is Tyler at risk for and why is he still in pain?
- Drug toxicity - LOC, delerium - cirrosis of the liver will decrease the metabolism of drugs into the system and thus will increase drug activity
What is known as incomplete valve closure?
- murmur
What is the best kind of mask to give a patient that requires a precise concentration?
- venturi mask
Clara is 5'8'' weighing 110 lbs. Clara has a PEG tube in place and she is receiving TPN fluids. Her lab values come back as Na- 123, K 3.6, Cl- 94, and creatinine 0.6. What lab values are abnormal?
Na (136-146) Cl (98-106)
Also known as infection of the kidneys?
- Pyelonephritis