Risks & Consequences
Myth or Fact
Physical Effects
This police-led anti-drug program was founded in Los Angeles in 1983. Today it is taught in 75% of our nation's school districts and 43 countries world wide.
What is D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Training)? http://www.dare.com/home/about_dare.asp
Teens who use drugs are more likely than adults to suffer this type of damage.
True or False: Prescription drugs are safer than illegal drugs.
What is False? Prescription drugs can be just as (or even more) dangerous as illegals ones. http://teens.drugabuse.gov/peerx/prescription-drug-facts/#abuse1
Used by more than 5% of Americans over the age of 12, this is the most commonly used drug (besides alcohol) in the U.S.
This depressant is the oldest and most widely used drug in the world. It alters perceptions, emotions, and senses.
This anti-drug use movement began in the 1970's, but hit its stride in the 1980's. It's often symbolized by an X on the back of either hand.
In 2011, this many people died due to drunk driving in Wisconsin. A) 57 B) 196 C) 201 D) 254
True or False: Drug use among teenagers has decreased in recent years.
What is True? Between 2002 and 2008, drug use among teens declined from 11.6% to 9.3% http://www.justthinktwice.com/factsfiction/fiction_trends_in_teen_drug_use_have_not_changed.html
This age group has the highest rate of illegal drug use. -12-17 -18-25 -26-35 -36+
This type of drug causes reduced appetite, talkativeness, and agitation.
This now-illict drug was created by Bayer in the 1800's, intended as a cure for morphine addiction.
This is the most common illegal drug found in drivers who die behind the wheel.
What is Marijuana? Between 4% and 14% of drivers who are injured or die in traffic accidents test positive for THC. http://www.drugabuse.gov/sites/default/files/teens_marijuana_brochure.pdf
True or False: Most sexually active teens and young adults have been influenced by drugs or alcohol to do something sexual.
What is False? Only 1/3 have been influenced by drugs or alcohol to do something sexual. http://www.thenationalcampaign.org/why-it-matters/pdf/risky_behaviors.pdf
This is the number of people who die annually as a result of prescription drug abuse.
The following are all withdrawl symptoms except: -Insomnia -Vomiting -Constipation -Muscle Aches -Restlessness
In this year the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) was founded by this president.
This over the counter medicine has caused severe liver damage in users who have taken high doses of it in order to experience effects like hallicinations and out of body experiences.
True or False: Teen drug addiction is a brain disorder.
What is True? Some teens can become addicted to a drug the first time they use it, while others may be able to use the drug several times before becoming addicted. There is no way to determine how long it will take for a teen to become addicted to a drug, but the younger a teen is when he or she first uses drugs, the more likely he or she is to become addicted to drugs. http://troubledteen101.com/articles27.html
Of 12 to 17 year old, this percentage reported abusing prescription medication in the past year: -1.4% -5.4% -7.4% -10.4%
This neurotransmitter, which is associated with pleasure, plays a key role in addiction.
By 1902 the U.S. was home to more than 200,000 addicts of this drug, causing a public outcry for change.
Teens who use this drug are four times more likely to become pregnant or get someone pregnant than those who who do not.
True or False: Whip-Its have become the most popular recreational inhalent of choice with over 12 million users in the U.S. who have tried it at least once.
Of pedestrians aged 16 and older who were killed in traffic accidents, this fraction were intoxicated.
Engaging in this behavior during teen years is linked to being overweight and having high blood pressure by age 24.