American Movies and TV
English Movies and TV
Austrian Movies and TV

This movie has a famous yellow sponge as its main character, on his journey to shell city to save his stingy boss.

What is the Spongebob Squarepants Movie


This show was the original version of this story in which and awkward and uncomfortable office manager attempts to navigate the everyday life of a paper company. Its American adaptation was much more successful.

What is the Office


This movie, famously set in Austria is, in fact, not Austrian whatsoever. However, everyone in the English speaking world knows it.

What is the sound of music


This movie, made by pixar, involves a clown fish named Marlin searching for his lost son.

What is Finding Nemo


This british TV comedy group were famous for their movies, their most well-known movie telling the story of a group's hunt for the holy grail.

Who are Monty Python


This famous Austrian actor is well-known as a body builder and actor.

Who is Arnold

This genre of film is famous in America with such movies as Goodfellas, The Godfather, Scarface, The Irishman, and The Sopranos

What is the mobster/gangster genre


This famous kids movie was done in claymation and depicted a man and his dog as they go through a variety of different hijinx, such as going to the moon to taste cheese.

What is Wallace and Gromit


This famous Austrian actor is most well-known for his role in Inglorious Bastards, as well as his role in the James Bond Films

Who is Cristoph Waltz


This film, starring Tom Hanks, depicted a handicapped man who overcame many odds, becoming one of the best runners, soldiers, and ping-pong players in the world. The famous line "Life is like a box of chocolates" is one of the most well-known.

What is Forrest Gump


This famous British spy has been around since the 1960's and does not seem to be going anywhere anytime soon.

Who is James Bond


This famous Christmas series was released in the 1990's and involves Santa and his companions solving problems.

What is Weinachtsman und Co. KG


James Cameron is a famous American director. He recently released his movie Avatar 2. What other famous movie did he direct? (Hint: it stars a young Leonardo Dicaprio)

What is Titanic


This famous childrens book spawned 8 movies as well as spin-off movies all dealing with magic.

What is Harry Potter


This famous Austrian composer was one of the most famous in the world of his time, 1900.

Who is Gustav Mahler