The order a darkling beetle would be in.
What is Coleoptera?
The complete (4-staged) metamorphosis.
What is holometabolous?
The part of an insect used for motion.
What is the thorax?
A mosquito's significance to people
What is a pest?
The location that monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) migrate to.
What is central Mexico?
The phylum that contains all arthropods.
What is Arthropoda?
The metamorphosis all aquatic insects go through.
What is a hemimetabolous metamorphosis/development?
The antennae butterflies have.
What is clubbed/capitate?
The definition of pest.
The metamorphosis possessed by arthropods that go through no change.
What is (an) ametabolous metamorphosis?
The type of legs that arthropods in Orthoptera possess.
What is saltatorial?
The genus of mosquitoes that carry dengue and chikungunya. The Asian tiger mosquito and yellow fever mosquito are members.
What is Aedes?
The metamorphosis type that earwigs (Dermaptera) possess.
What is a hemimetabolous metamorphosis?
Three major wing veins.
What are the costa, radius, and cubitus?
What is the common name for Solenopsis invecta Buren?
What is the red imported fire ant?
The metamorphosis style that only proturans go through.
What is anamorphosis?
The 'scales' on butterfly wings.
What is flattened setae?
A predaceous diving beetle's significance.
What is variable/benign/neutral?