These industrious insects are known for eating wood, to the chagrin of homeowners.
What are termites?
They might sound odorous, but many think they give off a soapy, fruity, or herbal aroma.
What is a stink bug?
Butterflies and other flying insects might be caught with this ubiquitous implement.
What is an aerial net?
If the forest is aglow but there's no smoke, it's likely these insects and their cool lights.
What are fireflies?
Known as the "Ant Man", he grew up studying the ants around his Alabama home and went on to posit the biophilia hypothesis: that humans have an innate desire to connect with other living things.
Who is E. O. Wilson?
They may not carry a cloak and dagger, but are merciless killers nonetheless.
What are assassin bugs?
Insects that cling to vegetation may find themselves swept up by a tool like this.
What is a sweep net?
It's actually not uncommon to find these in April and June as well.
What are mayflies?
Image credit: Emily Roberts via iNaturalist
This ancient Greek scholar was known by some other philosophers as the "First Teacher" and was the first person to systematically describe bee and wasp biology.
Who is Aristotle?
Named for their favorite food, they dress and eat like monarch butterflies.
What are milkweed bugs?
Image credit: Thomas Shahan via iNaturalist
Many nocturnal insects flock to sheets illuminated by one of these.
What is a black light?
They don't belong on toast, but many would love to sample some sweet jam.
What are butterflies?
His work investigating the mechanics and evolution of insect stings, which involved getting stung over 1000 times by over 150 species, earned him his title as the "King of Sting".
Who is Justin O. Schmidt?
The 30 or so pest species of this kind of insect are often associated with filth, although the majority make a living cleaning up others' messes.
What are roaches?
Some of these aquatic predators carry their mate's eggs on their backs, protecting them from harm.
What are giant water bugs?
Image credit: @gwentomologist via iNaturalist
What is a pitfall trap?
They're cousins of damsels, but not the kind their namesake might guard in a castle.
What are dragonflies?
Considered the "Mother of Entomology", she was the first prominent woman to study insects and the first scholar to thoroughly describe insect metamorphosis, detailing the life cycles of 186 species over several decades.
Who is Maria Sibylla Merian?
They don't photosynthesize, but you might have a hard time spotting them with their clever camouflage.
What are leaf-footed bugs?
Image credit: @redpandacat via iNaturalist
Flies and wasps are often caught with one of these large traps, which funnel the fliers upwards into a cup for collection.
What is a malaise trap?
They're actually named for their orangish color, not the fish which probably find them quite tasty.
What are salmonflies?
Image credit: Thomas Schulz via iNaturalist