Who is Octavian?
This empire was one of the longest lasting in the Mediterranean region, boasting a stretch of complete control in the area for about 200 years in addition to hundreds of years of influence
What is the Roman Empire?
These rivers form the border of the ancient civilization of Sumer, in what is referred to as the Fertile Crescent
What are the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers?
What is slash and burn farming?
This is the state reptile of Texas and the mascot of Mr. E's college
What is the Horned Frog?
Who is Abraham?
This empire predominantly traded with its northern neighbor Egypt and Saudi Arabians to its east across the Red Sea; it was influenced by Egyptian culture
What is the Kush Empire?
This now-submerged piece of land connected Asia and North America and functioned as a land bridge by which ancient peoples migrated to the Americas
What is Beringia?
The claim of divine blessing which justified the assumption of power by a new group of rulers every so often in many old world dynasties
What is the mandate of heaven?
While many non-Christian scholars now use the terms "Before Common Era" and "Common Era", those who subscribe to Christianity use these labels to describe dates which occurred before the birth of Christ and then after in the years "of our Lord"
What are B.C. and A.D. (or Before Christ and Anno Domini)?
Living around 500 B.C., he served as an advisor in the courts of royals and his wisdom was followed by many rulers in the Early Han Dynasty
Who is Confucius?
This kingdom lasted from roughly 1000-700 BC and was situated near the Jordan River valley; the land inhabited by this kingdom has long been in dispute by many different people groups due to its ideal trade location and its religious significance
What is the Kingdom of Israel?
This river is also known as the Yellow River or "China's Sorrow", the former because of the yellow sediment called loess which it collects and the latter because of its tendency to flood, causing great casualties and property damage
What is the Huang He River?
One of the first written languages, it was invented in ancient Sumer using styluses and clay tablets and was likely first used to keep track of business records
What is cuneiform?
Mr. E played this brass and woodwind instrument in high school
What is the saxophone?
After his bloody conquest of Kalinga, this Mauryan king was moved to nonviolence and promoted the spread of Buddhism in his kingdom; he also had some of the first rest stops built along the roads of his lands
Who is Asoka or Ashoka?
This empire paved the way for the Roman Empire by facilitating the spread of Hellenism; its influence spanned Egypt, Persia, and Greece even though its leaders originated from north of these locales
What is the Macedonian Empire or Alexander the Great's Empire?
This is the ancient name for modern-day Turkey
What is Anatolia?
The most effective and long-standing empires thrived largely due to this means of political administration whereby incrementally smaller positions of power are divvied out to lesser bureaucrats
What is a civil service?
This is one of Mr. E's preferred forms of communication which involves cultural phenomena encapsulated in an image, video, or phrase and passed amongst human beings in a non-genetic manner
What are memes?
The first immediate successor of Muhammad who was considered the first "rightly guided" caliph and helped to expand Islam's influence by means of jihad
Who is Abu-Bakr?
Who are the Abbasids?
Around 415 BC, the Athenian army attempted to conquer and control land on this now Italian island, resulting in the weakening of their military which opened them up to invasion by Sparta and, later, their Macedonian neighbors
What is Sicily?
This wind pattern causes wildly varying climate and precipitation changes on a seasonal basis (famously on the Indian subcontinent) resulting in often devastating floods
What is a monsoon?
John Cena, LeBron James, and many other celebrity "influencers" represent this kind of person who Mr. E strongly believes you should not aspire to be
Who is a corporate shill?