Transmission & Exposure
High Priority Pathogens

I am understood to be the ground truth of transmission threat for inhalation anthrax.

What is non-communicable?


I am a violently rotating column of air that extends between the Earth's surface and a cloud, usually a cumulonimbus cloud.

What is a tornado?


This group is thought to be the highest priority pathogens for nefarious / bad actor use (i.e., bioterror and beyond). We can be easily disseminated and/or transmitted from person-to-person and likely result in public panic and social disruption.

What are Category A Threats?


About 90% of the world’s earthquakes occur in my area and 75% of the world's volcanoes occur here as well. In some circles, I am also called the Circum-Pacific belt


What is the “Ring of Fire”?


There are 3 types defining my family - Bacillus anthracis - for human illness. I am listed as by far the most feared and credible route of dissemination.

What is inhalation / pulmonary anthrax?


I serve as a forecast and planning tool associated with tornadoes. Knowing the strength of tornadoes is crucial to understanding the threat, much like with hurricanes. As such, I am the "grading scale" for tornadoes.

What is the EF scale?


Ring theory became the known strategy deployed to overcome my natural existence, which in turn became the foundation for what we deployed today to combat COVID-19 - contact tracing.

What is Ring Vaccination Strategy?


I represent the average rate of motion across the San Andreas Fault Zone during the past 3 million years. Assuming my rate continues, scientists project that LA and San Francisco will be adjacent to one another in approximately 15 million years

What is 56 mm/yr (2 in/yr) or about the same rate at which your fingernails grow?


In 1979, 66 deaths (11 cases survived) occurred among people living or working within 4 km downwind (animals also died within 50 km) or an exposure. This served as “proof of concept” that an outdoor release of aerosolized anthrax spores can produce mass casualties over a large area. Although the USSR claimed it was GI Anthrax and human infection from bad meat, it was proven later (and admitted to) that it was not accidental. I represent the specific type of source exposure which led to this disaster.

What is point source dissemination?


Tornadoes do not form in basic day-to-day weather patterns. They form during severe weather and specifically larger tornadoes are spawned from me, a specific type of severe weather which includes warm moisture near the surface and relatively cold, dry air above and winds that increase in strength and change direction with height causing the updraft to rotate.

What is a Super Cell?


Because of these two viruses in my family, I am often considered the most discussed virus potentially causing hemorrhagic fever. The family and the viruses are needed for complete answer.

What are filoviruses Ebolavirus and Marburgvirus? 


Underlying and existing conditions in Haiti were important factors in the 2010 earthquake impacts. It has been said (and continues to be suggested today) that I might be an area worth significant investment and improvement, which could have monumental impacts. Along with deforestation and over-development on unstable grounds as well as poor integration of WASH protocols, we might be the primary causative elements for the devastation in Haiti. 

What is unplanned and unregulated construction - emphasizing building codes?


We are the environmental factors REQUIRED for Yersinia Pestis to infect humans. Without us, the bacteria might not find its way into humans.

What are rats and fleas?


My definition suggests a rotational cloud as formed in a specific area. You all likely received me as a alert last night.

What is a tornado warning?


Yersinia pestis is known to be the pathogen which caused the Black Death in the middles ages. However, my existence persisted across centuries and my status within the U.S. today can be best described as this.

Plague is endemic in the U.S.


Volunteers are crucial to an effective disaster response. However, just as important is the need for properly trained and credentialed volunteers with appropriate health screenings, as you do NOT want to relocate the disaster. I was the result of a lack of thorough health screening of volunteers deployed to help Haiti.

What is cholera?


While not much of me is required to cause an Ebola infection, it is rather challenging compared to other threats if proper protocols are followed to prevent me from infecting you.

What are droplets / bodily fluids?


Climate Change itself might not increase tornadic activity. Although climate change is increasing the energy in the atmosphere, it's also expected to reduce "me" since the poles are warming faster than the rest of the world, which is the driving factor behind the jet stream and "me".

What is wind shear?


I am the agent of concern primarily responsible for the response strategies inherent in the Cities Readiness Initiative (CRI), which is aligned with the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS). My case fatality increase dramatically if effective treatment is not delivered within 48hours of exposure.

What is Bacillus anthracis - Anthrax?


As part of the National Response Framework and the National Disaster Medical System (NDMS) under the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR), Office of Preparedness and Operations (OPEC), formally within Emergency Support Function #8 (ESF #8), I can deployed to assist with victims and identification in disasters.

What is a DMORT team?
