What is sustainability?
The first element in CHNOPS.
What is carbon?
The process of gaining knowledge about the natural world.
What is science?
Cell type that lacks a nucleus.
What is a prokaryote?
The branch of physics that deals with heat, work, and energy.
What is thermodynamics?
Development that meets present needs without harming the future ability to meet those needs.
What is sustainable development?
The second element in CHNOPS.
What is hydrogen?
Physics, Geology, Biology, and Chemistry.
What are the natural sciences?
Cell type that has organelles.
What is a eukaryote?
The measure if disorder within something.
What is entropy?
Ethics where earth is a finite resource.
What is sustainable ethics?
The third element in CHNOPS.
What is nitrogen?
Knowledge sought for knowledge's sake.
What is basic science?
Cell type that has cytoplasm.
What is all cells?
The energy of a system = the heat added to a system - the work done by a system
What is the first law of thermodynamics?
Reasoning where if A=B and B=C, than A=C.
What is deductive reasoning?
The fifth element in CHNOPS.
What is phosphorus?
Knowledge sought to solve a problem.
What is applied science?
Cells that make up bacteria and archea.
What is a prokayrote?
The energy caused by temperature.
What is heat energy?
Reasoning that uses observations to reach a conclusion.
What is inductive reasoning?
The sixth element in CHNOPS.
What is sulfur?
Dynamic and interdisiplinary study of the interactions of the living and non-living environment.
What is environmental science?
Cell type that makes up the animal and plant kingdoms.
What is a eukaryote?
The law that states that energy spreads out over time.
What is the second law of thermodynamics?