Code Yellow
Active Shooter
Environmental Hazards
Environmental Managment
Environmental Management

A Code Yellow is announced over head alerting staff that the CC Emergency Management Plan has been activated . What does this mean ?

A Code Yellow indicates that a significant disaster has occured. 


During an active shooter emergency you should quickly decide to _______, ________, or ________.



What is a Safety Data Sheet ? And where is ours located?

The SDS describes the scientific and chemical trade names of a chemical product, its hazardous physical and chemical properties, health hazards and recommendations for safe use .


What does a red face plate on an outlet indicate?

A red outlet is indication of an emergency power source. Red outlets are backed up by the generator system and should work at all times. 


Name 2 places you can find vital information regarding Environmental Care ( Code Yellows, Active Shooter, System Failure etc)?

Red Notebook and the Nursing Intranet 


What are 3 examples in which a Code Yellow would be called :

What is a Bomb Threat, Fire, Severe/inclement weather (Tornado, Hurricane, Blizzard), Chemical or Biological Threat, Fire, Loss of Power, Community Events


What is our on campus emergency number ?

301-496-9911 will contact NIH police . During an emergency you should dial this number as it will connect you directly to our on campus emergency services 


Where is our eye washing station located? And how long should you rinse your exes out for after exposure?

The med room. In any instance of exposure wash rinse out the eyes for at minimum 15 minutes. 


When is the red phone used? and how often do we check that it is working?

The red phone is the clinical centers emergncy "back up" telephone system it is used whenever the primary phones are out of service. 

This phone should be checked monthly and logged in the red emergency binder.


We should always be prepared for equiment failure. In the event that on infusion pump failed what do you do ?

Convert the infusion to a gravity using a drips/min calculation, If it is a study drug consult the pharmacy until a new pump can be found. 


How will you know a Code Yellow has ended?

An overhead announcement on the Hospital System for all to hear stating "The Code Yellow has ended."


What information should you provide to the dispatcher during an Active Shooter situation?

Location, Number of shooters, Number of victims, Description of shooter- Give as much information as possible.


How do we dispose of chemo bags that contain over 5% of the total volume of drug?

Black bin located in the soiled utility room. Be sure to write on the green tag what the drug, date and estimated concentration.


What is the process of sending things to BioMed?

Complete the tan tag located in the charge nurse desk and with RSAs, complete STARS and be sure to add the STARS id# to the tan tag. Call biomed once complete and send for repair.


What are some ways we protect patient privacy?

Logging out of CRIS when not in use, encrypted emails/secured emails, patient i.d. double verification, proper placement of patient charts


What is a Surge Area?

The surge are is an area (typically in the West Ambulance wing of the CRC) that is used during emergencies to receive patients from Suburban or Walter Reed Hospital during emergencies.

Nurses can be sent to assist in that area during emergencies  


Does the NIH have a program that allows you to express concerns pertaining to prevention of violence in the NIH workplace ?

Yes!!! The NIH Civil program addresses instances that may lead to acts of violence in the work place including bullying, treats, and intimidating behavior. 

Phone: 301-40-CIVIL(24845)


A co-worker splashes blood/body fluid in to their eye, what do you do ?

Initiate first aid immediately, irrigate contaminated eyes and mucous membranes. Report to OMS immediately for further care. Notify your nurse manager


How many Fire Alarms and Fire Extinguishers do we have and where are they located ? Where is our Oxygen shut off valve?

4 Fire Alarms: 1 in the back by the break room, 1 main nurses station, 1 by the front door and 1 by the RSA desk 

6 Fire Extinguishers: 2 within each cabinet (one is water-which is used for the bed/mattress) . 1 by the nutrition nook , 1 by the front door and 1 by the back door 

The oxygen shut off valve is located to the left of the equipment room


How do you respond if you find the small circular red LED light located above the door of a patient room illuminated indicating smoke has been detected in the room?


Rescue and/or relocate only those patients immediately threatened by a fire.

Activate the red fire alarm pull station and dial 911 or 301-496-9911 from a personal cell phone..

Confine the fire or smoke by closing all corridor doors in your area.

Evacuate and/or Extinguish small contained fire.


When a Code Yellow is called what actions do you take in your work area ?

A. Convene at nurses station to execute code plan.

B. Inpatient units complete the yellow CCND current bed capacity data sheet.

C. Initiate the green Emergency preparedness Data Sheet

D. Account for all patient, family, visitors and staff.


What are some of the BEST hiding places on our unit during an active shooter emergency ? and why ?

Bathroom, Med room, Clean Utility Room, Soiled Utility Room

Look for rooms that can lock from the inside, rooms without interior windows, rooms with furniture that can be used as barricades.


When you enter your patients room and find 5ml of clear hazardous fluid on the floor what do you do ?

1.Contain the spill using a disposable absorbent plastic backed sheet (Chux)

2. Restrict access to the area and remove non-essential persons from the area

3.Obtain spill kit and chemo bucket 

4 Remove pad and discard in chemo bucket

5.Clean area with mild soap and rinse with water

6.Notify supervisor 

7. Report via STARS system


If you pick up a call from someone making an Bomb threat what should you ask them ?

Where is the bomb located? When will it go off? What does it look like ? When will it explode? Did you place the bomb ? Why ? What is your name ?


What actions would you take if our unit experienced a failure of medical utility systems?

Call the Office of Research Facilities (ORF) @301-435-8000 or dial 108 and inform them of system failure . ORF will dispatch appropriate staff to the area to implement response procedures. File an event report within the STARS system
