Economics & Impact
Methods to incorporate external costs to the environment
UH Manoa I
Environmental Laws & Regulations
UH Manoa II

A sub-field of economics that addresses the relationship between the economy and the environment

What is Environmental Economics


The World Bank developed this composite indicator to consider the depletion of natural capital in national income accounting.

What is the Genuine Savings Indicator?


$13,583 in 2021  

What was the average cost of room at board at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.


This U.S. agency regulate the impact of businesses on the environment.

What is the Environmental Protection Agency?


At 76.7% this student demographic had the highest graduation rate in 2021.

Who are Asian females?


These do not reflect social or environmental conditions within a country - they do not incorporate any economics measurements that target the quality of life.

What are Gross National Product (GNP) and Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?


This measures the yearly biocapacity of the planet compared to humanity’s yearly use of natural capital and ecosystem services.

What is the Ecological Footprint?


At 153, this gender has the most Associate Professor positions at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.

Who are females?


This law prohibits activities affecting threatened and endangered species.

What is the Endangered Species Act?


At 31.5%, this race or ethnicity group had the the highest enrollment at UH Manoa in 2021.

Who are Aisans?


These types of countries have a system that is largely based on a pure market economy.

What are capitalistic countries?


This indicator was created to emphasize that people and their capabilities should be the ultimate criteria for assessing the development of a country, not economic growth alone.

What is the Human Development Index?


At $11,304, this was $17,688 less than the national average for universities that granted a doctoral degree.

What is the medium undergraduate tuition at UH Manoa


These "rights" are highly litigated and vary quite dramatically across U.S. states.

What are Water Rights?


In 2021, this gender received 925 more degrees in 2021

Who are women?


This analysis provides an estimate of the most economically efficient level of pollution reduction that is practical

What is a Cost-benefit analysis?


This monetizes the loss of biodiversity, environmental degradation, depletion of natural resources and accounts for costs caused by climate change.

What is Green GDP?


One of only a handful of universities nationwide to hold the distinction of being a land-, sea-, and space-grant institution.

What is the University of Hawaii at Manoa?

Permits issued under this law regulate air pollution.

What is the Clean Air Act?


At 88, this was the most common major for males in 2021.

What is General Business Administration & Management


These occur when consumption or production of a good or service imposes an unintentional cost upon an unrelated third party.

What are external costs?


Proposed as an alternative to the GDP by Herman E. Daly and John B. Cobb in 1989, this alternative to the GDP, this looks at a combination of economic, environmental, and social indicators to create a picture of the overall progress of a country or state

What is the Genuine Progress Indicator?


The best professor on the UH Manoa campus.  

Who is Professor Cooney


Permits issued under this law helps ensure the safe treatment, storage, and disposal of hazardous wastes.

What is the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act?


At 174 graduates, this was the most common major for females in 2021.

What is general psychology?
