people involved
1970 - 2000
newer acts
act because of people
Antiquities Act (1906): Was established because there were concerns of the well being of America’s archeological sites along with the artifacts, and the artifacts information that were preserved within them.  It was the first law put into placeto establish that archeological sites on public lands are important public resources. Meaning that the federal agencies had to protect and preserve natural landmarks, and other landmarks. Some examples are the Grand Canyon, the Statue of Liberty, the Devil’s Tower etc. The Antiquities Act was signed into law by Theodor Roosevelt in 1906, and it was replaced in 1979 with the Archaeological Resources Protection Act. 
What is Antiquities Act
In 1891, president Benjamin Harrison signed a law known as the Forest Reserve Act. He was majorly concerned about the immense amount of logging happening in the late 1800’s. This was the first time US government stood to protect forested areas. This act stands to protect wooded areas against logging to preserve nature and wildlife. These reserved areas now are national parks stretching nearly 200 million acres. This law remains and protects millions of acres of forest around the United States.
What is Forest Reserve Act
Fisheries Conservation and Management Act of 1976 on April 13th is a Public law also known as Magnuson Fishery and Conservation and Management act or Magnuson Stevens Act. It established a fishery conservation zone effective March 1, 1977. Establishing Regional Fishery Management councils consisting of Federal and state officials. Eventually changed to the Exclusive economic zone boundaries of the coastal states. It provides management of fish and other species in this zone under Regional Councils and approved by secretary of commerce. It provides for regulation of foreign fishing in the management zone and vessel fishing permits. Also it provides a mechanism for preemption of state law by the secretary of commerce. In 1990 the Fishery Conservation Amendments of expanded on the Driftnet Act. In 1992 amends the Act to restore New England ground fish. While also allowing the secretary of Commerce to reimburse a state for certain expenses while enforcing ground fish management plan. Also allows secretary of commerce to establish the Northwest Atlantic Ocean Fisheries Reinvestment program in order to promote development of commercial fisheries in NW Atlantic Ocean. And require New England Fishery Management council to develop fishery plans for underutilized fisheries to prevent overfishing. Other major amendments were enacted in October in 1996 in efforts to conserve marine fishery resources. In conclusion this act is to help U.S. Marine Fish populations, and to maintain and restore healthy levels of fish stock and prevent overharvesting.
What is Fisheries and Management Act
In 2000 congress passed the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act. Which is an amendment of the United States Forest service county payments this allowed the states to decide if they wanted the three highest payments or the regular 25% payment. They must use 15-20% of the payments for projects on federal lands. This expired in 2006 and was renewed serval time (most resent 2013) each time with reduced spending levels.
What is Secure Rural Schools Act
The resource and recovery act was designed to protect human health and the environment from waste hazards. It was also designed to dispose of waste (garbage) in an environmentally safe way, creating less waste. It also categorized hazardous materials with certain codes. This law was set in motion due to the amount of waste being created by the industrial age.
What is Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
The 1974 Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act is a federal law that authorizes long term planning by the US Forest Service, to be able to ensure future supply of timber and other forest goods, while in the same part maintaining a healthy environment. It also requires the secretary of agriculture to do a test of the nation's renewable resources every 10 years. This act was amended on Dec 31st, 2000 and was possibly created to keep the environment safe and clean, while making sure we have resources coming from our forests for years to come
What is Forest Planning Act
The Lacey Act regulates the “trafficking of illegal wildlife, fish, and plants” and was expanded in 2008 to include more plant species and plant products. It also, requires you to declare the importing of certain plant species. You can be fined regardless of whether you knew it was a protected plant or animal, so it’s your responsibility to know what your dealing with.
What is Lacey Act
This Act was passed to monitor the commercial and national defense uses of atomic energy. Government concerns included radiation hazards and the disposal of radioactive waste.
What is Toxic Substances Control Act
The Healthy Forest Initiative Act was purposed in 2003 by President George Bush from all the forest fires in 2002. This act was made to reduce the natural fuels that are in the forests and also actions to prevent wide spread wild fires such as clearing vegetation and trees to create shaded fuel breaks, and research to prevent destructive insects. Passed December 3, 2003
What is healthy Forests Initiative Act
was passed because of Gifford Pinchot's efforts in the division of forestry to manage the forests. This transferred the 63 million acres of forest reserves to what is now the united states forest service to use for the greatest good for the longest time.
What is Transfer Act
The Migratory Bird Treaty Act says that migratory birds and their habitat will be managed and kept up with so that these animals will not go extinct. The birds and their habitat will be managed by strict laws and regulations. The failure to obey these laws and regulations can result in fines or being arrested. All of this is to protect and manage migratory birds and their habitats.
What is Migratory Bird Treaty Act
The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species Act (CITES) is an international treaty to prevent species from becoming endangered or extinct because of the international trade. CITES was created to have countries work together to regulate the international trade of plants and animals and to ensure that this trade is not detrimental to the survival of wild populations. The act was amended to protect animals from becoming extinct like making sure that nobody hunts them or anything so they don’t become extinct so we can still have them around.
What is CITES Act
National Forest Management Act (1976)-This act was established in 1976 to protect our national forests from timber harvesting, manages renewable resources and states what chemicals may or may not be used on plants. Also the act states that if a road be built on land with connection to a timber harvest, a permit or lease must be made with attempts to have the vegetation regrow and should be reestablished after 10 years of the contract. Those are a few of the rules on this act.
What is National Forest Management Act
The bill was passed into law on May 22, 2008, and was passed into law on June 18, 2008. Also known as the Farm Bill, it gave $288 billion to agriculture subsidy and the continuation of pursuing energy, conservation, nutrition, and rural development. Also helps in the research of pests, diseases, and different kinds of agricultural problems. The bill gives increase support for Food Stamp benefits, and research on cellulosic ethanol. This bill will last five years and is a continuation on the 2002 Farm Bill. Finally this bill includes three major components, which include the following; The Average Crop Revenue Election (also known as ACRE) program allows farmers to choose revenue-based, market oriented protection on crop prices.
What is Food, Conservation, and Energy Act
This act requires the operator of the mine to restore the land enough to be able to support what the land had supported in the past. They do that by restoring the original contour of the land, also by avoiding acid mining drainage, reclaim land in a timely manner, and reintroduce the type of vegetation that was there before to cover the damaged area. The act also says a minimum number of mines have to be inspected each year. If an inspector finds something in violation of the (SMCRA) they are required to give a notice of violation. Which gives the receiving mine a set time frame to fix the violation. The (SMCRA) also gives the public the right to write objections about a permit that had been granted. Also it gives people the right to request a public hearing or a mine inspection. 
What is Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act
The Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (1940) was introduced after Congress noticed the population of the Bald Eagle was decreasing rapidly. This act prohibits the ability to possess, sell, hunt, or trap Bald Eagles (at the time it only included the Bald Eagle). This act also included the inability to possess eagle feathers, nests, eggs, or body parts unless obtained before the act was passed in 1940. In 1962 the act was amended to include the Golden Eagle which is closely related to the Bald Eagle. The Golden Eagle was added to the act also because of dwindling populations. In addition to adding the Golden Eagle Congress made an exception that allows people to obtain eagles for zoo exhibits, exhibitions, and religious purposes.
What is Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act
The Migratory Bird Hunting act or also known as the "Duck Stamp Act," that was finalized, March 16, 1934requires each waterfowl hunter 16 years old or older to have a valid Federal hunting stamp..  Receipts from the sale of the stamp are deposited in a special Treasury account known as the Migratory Bird Conservation Fund and are not subject to appropriations.  A contest is held each year by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to select the design of the stamp.
What is Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act
Forest Rangeland provides long term planning to ensure future supply for the forest and keep a qualified environment. Every 10 years the RPA requires the secretary of agriculture to conduct an assessment on renewable sources over the nation’s forest.
What is Forests and Rangeland Renewable Resource Act
Federal Duck Stamp Act (2014) Amends the Migratory Bird hunting and Conservation Stamp Act to increase the price of duck stamps which are required to hunt migratory waterfowl from $15 to $25. They will drop the price if a reduction accrues in the deposit into the Migratory Bird Conservation Fund. This money is to help preserve the wetlands and habitats these birds live on. Allows rural Alaskan residence to take migratory waterfowl for subsistence without a stamp.
What is Federal Duck Stamp Act of 2014
The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) was enacted in 1947 in response to the rapidly increased use and availability of pesticides after WWII. Military research and chemical development during the war led to the discovery of numerous chemicals with pesticidal properties. FIFRA was passed to regulate the distribution, sale, and use of pesticides. It also requires that the EPA register all pesticides. In order to be registered, the manufacturer must prove that its pesticide "will not generally cause unreasonable adverse effects on the environment.'' “Unreasonable adverse effects” is defined as “(1) any unreasonable risk to man or the environment, taking into account the economic, social, and environmental costs and benefits of the use of any pesticide, or (2) a human dietary risk from residues that result from a use of a pesticide in or on any food.” FIFRA has been amended in 1972 with the passing of the Federal Environmental Pesticide Control Act (FEPCA), in 1988, and in 1996 with the enactment of the Food Quality Protection Act (FQPCA).
What is Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act
Archaeological Resource Protection Act (1979) Became a law on October 31, 1979 and has been amended four times. ARPA came to exist after the Antiquities Act was deemed too vague and didn’t provide clear guidelines for law enforcement to protect sites and resources on public and Indian land. It states that resources of interest must be over 100 years old and a federal permit must be issued to excavate or remove the resource from public land. A federal permit can only be issued to excavate or remove a resource from Indian land only after consent has been given from the tribe, such consent must be written into the language of the permit. After resources have been removed (from public land) they become property of the United States and are to be preserved in museum, university or other scientific or educational institution. To remove, damage, sell or purchase and resource is a felony and a person may be fined no more than $10,000 or, sentenced to no more than one year in prison or both for the first offense. If the cost of repair to the damaged resource cost more than $500 a person shall be fined no more than $20,000 or, sentenced to no more than 2 years in prison or both. A second or any subsequent offense a person shall be fined no more than $100,000 or, sentenced to no more than 5 years in prison or both.
What is Archaeological Resources Protection Act
On October 1, 1978 the Cooperative Forestry Assistance Act was signed into law. This acts' main purpose is to help provide the State Foresters, or equivalent State Officials, financial, technical and other assistance by the Secretary of Agriculture. The act focuses primarily on providing funds, technical and other assistance for fire prevention and control in rural communities and non-Federal forests and rural lands, implementing forestry incentive programs, the development and management of nonindustrial private forest lands, plus insect and disease control in these areas. A rural fire disaster fund was put together with the cooperation of the U.S. Treasury to help cover the costs of the fire prevention and control programs. There have been no recent amendments to this Act, an annual report is required by Congress.
What is Cooperative Forestry Assistance Act
Protects the native mammals, birds, and plants within their ecosystems this act applies to every person.
What is Antarctic Conservation Act
The 2015 Drinking Water Protection Act is closely related to the Safe Drinking Water Act. The act is trying to stop the spread of diseases and toxic in the drinking water system. One of the main thing they are trying to stop the spread of is Cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae. Which can be toxic with excessive amounts. The Drinking Water Protection Act first came out in 2001.
What is Drinking Water Protection Act
The purpose of this act is to administer the NATIONAL FOREST to be used for outdoor recreation, range, watershed, timber, and wildlife and fish purposes. The management part is meant to manage the several renewable resources of these forests so they will be used in ways “that will best meet the needs of the American people.” This Act also stated that there should be a high annual output from the national forests “without impairment of the productivity of the land.” These authorizations under the MUSY act were extended towards the BLM under the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976.
What is Multiple Use and Yield Act