what is scientific method
a defined process to reasherch the world
what are ethics
moral principles that govern ones life.
what are the 2 major types of cells
prokaryote and eukaryote.
what is matter
anything with mass that takes up space
what is the smallest most basic functioning substance
what is a hypothesis
a proposed explanation to something that needs to be tested
what is frontier ethics
what type of cells are humans. ( the 2 major groups)
what is energy
the ability to cause change
what is applied science
uses science to solve real world promblems
what is a scientific theory
a widely accepted thoroughly tested and confirmed idea. but can be found false
what is sustainable ethics
people treat earth like a finite resource. (life centered)
what are some differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. name 2
prokayotes: simple, unicellular, no nucleus, no organelles, smaller size.
eukaryotes: complex, multi and uni cellular, prominent nucleus, has organelles, larger size.
what is entropy
the measurement of disorder within something
what is the control group in a experiment
it describes how elements of nature will behave. and is without a doubt true.
what is land ethics
the idea that land includes soil, water, plats, and animals and that humans are just another member of the community not the boss.
what are the 4 things all cells have in common
cell membrane, DNA, cytoplasm, and ribosomes.
what is chemical energy
energy stored in bonds and atoms
what is environmental science
the study of living and nonliving parts of the environment.
what is science actually
which one of the ethics is life centered.
sustaniability ethics
name the 2 types of prokaryotes.
bacteria and arcea
does an open or a closed system allow energy and matter in
what comes after a cell in the levels of complexity (example: atom to molecule or organism to population).
tissue is the anwser