Lesson 3.1
Lesson 3.2
Lesson 3.3
Lesson 3.4

The basic units of matter



What are the two types of feedback loops? 

Positive and Negative


The earths _______ is a thin layer of relatively cool rock that forms earths outer skin both on dry land and in the ocean. 



Matter can neither be created or _______



In the water cycle what is the vocabulary word talking about when it rains or snows



Central core of an atom is considered to be the:

A.) Nucleus

B.) Proton

C.) Electron

D.) None of these

A.) Nucleus


What is an example of a negative feedback loop?

Predator-prey relationship/ thermostat


What are the three types of plate boundaries? 

Divergent, Transform and convergent


What is hypoxia?

Extremely low levels of oxygen in bodies of water. 

Think about the case study at the beginning of chapter 3 with the "dead zone"

What water property explains why water sticks to itself?

A.) Cohesion

B.) Resistance to temperature change 

C.) Ice density

D.) Universal solvent

A. Cohesion


Macromolecules include the following:

A.) Protons, Neutrons, Electrons

B.) Nucleic acids, carbohydrates, lipids and proteins

C.)Molecules, Compounds and solutions

B. Nucleic acids, carbohydrates, lipids and proteins


What is an example of a positive feedback loop? 

Erosion of soil


How are landforms created? 

Colliding or separating tectonic plates creating hills, mountains or valleys. 


In this process, producers make their own food by using the suns energy in what process?



How can you explain cellular respiration? 

1. The process by which organisms use oxygen to release the chemical energy of sugars and release CO2

2. The opposite of photosynthesis


A compound is a combination of two or more atoms of the same type or different types joined by covalent bonds. True or False? 

False, a compound is a substance composed of atoms of two or more different elements. 

A MOLECULE is a combination of two or more atoms of the same type or different types joined by covalent bonds.


What is the difference between the two feedback loops?

Think about stability. Negative feedback loops bring items to a stable place in their environment. Positive feedback loops usually push an environment towards an extreme or creating an unstable environment. 


Define the following words: Evaporation, transpiration, precipitation and condensation

Evaporation: water moves from bodies of water and moist soil into the atmosphere.(Liquid to gas)

Transpiration: release of water vapor by plants through their leaves

Precipitation: water returns to the atmosphere through rain or snow. 

Condensation: change in state from gas to liquid. Think of water bottles or cups filled with ice "sweating" or leaving rings on a surface. 


What is a biogeochemical cycle? 

Nutrients circulating endlessly throughout the environment through complex cycles.


Describe the differences between producers, consumers and decomposers

Producers create their own food sources. Consumers cannot create their own food and have to rely on eating other organisms to survive. Decomposers break down objects or other organisms so that it can contribute to the soil, be taken up by plants as nutrients or return to the atmosphere. 

What does protein help with in the human body?

Production of bones, skin, hair, muscles, etc.


List all of the spheres along with what they are made up of. (there are 5)

Geosphere: rock at or below earths surface

Lithosphere: hard rock at or below earths surface

Biosphere: all living, once-living and nonliving

Atmosphere: layers of gasses surrounding earth

Hydrosphere: All water 


Describe the characteristics of the three plate boundaries

Divergent: magma, molten rock surges upward to the surface and pushes plates apart. 

Transform: plates slipping and grinding along side each other and are responsible for earthquakes. 

Convergent: when plates collide one of two things happen. Subduction: crust dives to the mantle and drives up magma causing volcanoes to erupt. The other event is mountain building.  


What is eutrophication? 

The addition of phosphorus to bodies of water and can lead to an overgrowth of producers (usually algae)


The lithosphere is carried on a softer, but firm layer of rock called:

a.) Geosphere

b.) Asthenosphere

c.) Core

d.) Crust

b.) Asthenosphere
