3 trees from the tree identification list.
What is:
Eastern White Pine, White Oak and Pecan.
how do seeds travel 5 examples
what are:
wind, weather, animals, gravity and special adaptions
Forestry pg 24
what is
pulpwood is a type of wood suitable for making into pulp for paper
Forestry pg 15
Clear cutting
What is
Clear-cutting is the least expensive method for harvesting tree. It is usually used to harvest even aged stands. In clear-cutting all the trees are removed from the area in one single cutting.
Forestry pg 53
15 trees from the tree identification list.
What is:
White Oak, Red Oak, Short Leaf Pine, Beech Oak, Sweetgum, Elm, Blackberry, Blackgum, Black Cherry, Maple, American Holly, Loblolly Pine, Mulberry, Short Leaf Pine, and Cedar.
4 of the worst diseases for trees
What are
fungi, bacteria, viruses, and parasitic plants.
Forestry pg 48
what is
plywood is a type of a strong thin wooden board consisting of two or more layers of glued and pressed together wood suitable for flooring
Forestry pg 15
5 things BMPs do to protect roads, forests, and buildings
what is
1. Water turnouts to divert water from roads
2. crossroad drainage by culvert, a pipe
3. Broad-based drainage dich to slow and move water off the road
4. Rolling dips to slow water flow on roads or skid trails
5. Planting permanent vegetative cover along roadsides and all openings created
forestry pg 57-58
3 smallest trees from the ID list
Shortleaf Pine, Sycamore, Ash, Mulberry, and Sourwood.
The cycling of essential nutrients
forests take up approximately 90% of the carbon dioxide (co2) removed from the atmosphere
Forestry pg 11
what are
A thing, such as a row of trees, fence, wall, or screen, that provide shelter or protection from wind.
Wildfires are influenced by three major factors
what is
Forestry pg 58
List the 5 smallest trees in order
What is:
1. American Holly
2. Dogwood
5.Shortleaf Pine
trees help reduce soil erosion
what is
In forested areas, falling raindrops are intercepted and impacts are slowed by leaves, limbs, and needles allowing most of them to hit the ground softly and to soak into the soil.
Forestry pg 9
the cycle of a tree
what is
Seed to seedling to sapling to mature tree to a dead/snag to decaying stump/log and then all over again
Forestry pg 25
2017, the US counted approximately 1. Blank acres of forested land that represents 2. Blank% of the 3. Blank acres that make up the US
what is
1. 821,000,000
2. 36%
3. 2,264,000,000
Forestry pg 8
The 5 biggest trees in order
What are:
1.Red Oak
2.White Oak
4.Eastern Poplar
5.Yellow Poplar
Mid-story tree level produces an increased amount of mast, seeds and fruits including what plants and trees.
what is
Wild cherry, wild grape, mulberry, hickory nuts, holly berries, persimmons, beech nuts, sassafras, black walnut, acorns, pecan, black gum, and flowering wood.
forestry pg 37
Animals in Boreal forests are being most threatened by pollution
what is
Northern Flying Squirrel, Wellers Salamander, Rugels Ragwort, Spreading Avens, and Hellers Blazing Star.
Forestry pg 40
How do wind breaks help with the erosion of fields
what is
IN windy open areas, trees make effective wind breaks. A row of trees with dense foliage 20 feet high, can reduce the speed of the wind for a distance of up to 400 feet. Windbreaks are used to protect crops, home, fields, and more from hot or cold winds and blowing snow
Forestry pg 13