What is biomonitoring?
assessment using biological indicators
Reference sites are sites that are described as having...
Minimal human impact
What is the name of the sampling equipment and method used for streams?
Traveling kick and sweep with a D-net
Suckers at both the anterior and posterior ends are a diagnostic feature of which group?
Leeches (Hirudinea)
What is the standard mesh size for sampling nets?
500 microns
The OBBN program provides sampling protocols for which types of aquatic habitat?
Lakes, streams and wetlands
When collecting multiple samples in a stream, should they be collected from upstream to downstream, or downstream to upstream?
Downstream to upstream
What is the protocol for time and distance for a traveling kick-and-sweep?
10 m distance in 3 minutes
What is the key diagnostic difference between mayflies and stoneflies?
Mayflies have a single tarsal claw
Why use benthic invertebrates are bioindicators?
1) they are easy to sample, 2) the equipment is inexpensive, 3) their pollution tolerances are well documented
What is the Reference Condition Approach?
What are the two recommended methods for randomized sub-sampling?
Marchant box and teaspoon method
Forewings modified as hardened plates or “elytra” are diagnostic of which group?
Beetles (Coleoptera)
What are three essential features to include on an OBBN field sheet site sketch?
Sampling locations, north arrow and access roads
What are the objectives of the OBBN program?
Evaluate aquatic ecosystem conditions, provide a biological complement to chemical monitoring, measure effectiveness of programs, support development of biocriteria
What is a disadvantage of the BACI study design?
BACI requires samples to be collected before any stressor exposure or biological effect, and such samples are rarely available
How many benthic invertebrates should be picked from each replicate/sub-sample?
Membranous wings, 6 legs and sucking mouthparts are diagnostic features of which group?
True Bugs (Hemiptera)
Why is it important to sieve your samples?
Remove fines and organic material
Which agency is the lead for OBBN, and what is their role?
MECP is the lead; their role is to coordinate research, and provide technical advice and equipment to OBBN partners
Why does the OBBN protocol recommend using multiple indices in a bioassessment?
Different indices emphasize the multiple different aspects of benthic invertebrate data
What are the sampling units for streams, wetlands, and lakes?
Meander wavelength, wetland segment, and lake segment
What are four diagnostic features of chironomids?
Sclerotized head, anterior and posterior parapods, J-shaped, colour variable (red, white, green, yellowish)
List five situations where you should not enter a waterbody to collect benthic invertebrate samples.
Dangerous flow/current, private property, sensitive habitat/spawning area, adverse weather conditions,