Ice Ages are...
long periods of freezing water
Who is Hammurabi?
The Babylonian King
Where is it located?
The middle east.
What is Social Hierarchy?
A tier list of power and importance.
What is Alloy?
A mixture of metals.
Migrate means to...
move to new place
What is Hammurabi best known for?
What is it home to?
The earliest agriculture communities during the bronze ages.
What is the highest ranking in a Social Hierarchy?
Kings, Priests, and People with power.
What is Nirvana?
A state of perfect peace.
A land bridge is...
a strip of land connecting two continents
What is the Hammurabi Code?
One of the oldest known written set of laws and the most complete ancient legal code from its time period.
Numerous of what originated here?
What is the last ranking of Social Hierarchy
Slaves and people with nothing.
Wanting what we like but don't have.
Wanting to keep what we like and already have.
Not wanting what we dislike but have.
The Mesolithic Era is...
the middle part of the stone age from about 10000 years ago to about 5000 years ago.
How many laws were on Hammurabi's Code?
282 laws
During what age was Fertile Crescent home to the earliest agriculture communities?
Bronze Age
Who is higher on the ranking in Social Hierarchy, Merchants or Peasants?
What are the main three different types of pyramids?
Step, bent, and true.
Megaliths are...
Name at least one category on Hammurabi's Code.
Marriage, family, and property, Assault, Professional men, Agriculture
Why did so many people settle in Fertile Crescent?
Because of this region's relatively abundant access to water.
Fill in the blank. Instead of tier list of power, another phrase for Social Hierarchy is a _____ of power.
What are the 3 main steps of the mummifying process?
Remove the bodies organs, fill it with salt, and wrap it up.