Edward Jenner helped control smallpox by developing the process of — F emigration G pasteurization H flagellation J vaccination
What is vaccination
Mitosis is most important for a kitten’s — A vision B respiration C growth D metabolism
What is growth
An inheritable mutation may occur if an organism has a change in its — A appendages B internal organs C DNA structure D ATP production rates
What is DNA structure
Thirty breeding pairs of rabbits were introduced onto an island with no natural predators and a good supply of water, shrubs, and grasses. 11 Over the next few years, the rabbit population will probably --
What is increase until the food supply runs low
The body cells of an individual plant have 50 chromosomes. How many chromosomes would be found in the gametes produced this plant?
What is 25
Which of these researchers would be most interested in maintaining a healthy deciduous forest? A Biochemist B Sonographer C Toxicologist D Ecologist
What is Ecologist
Which group is most responsible for the recycling of atoms within the environment? A Autotrophs B Consumers C Phototrophs D Decomposers
What is Decomposers
Which relationship is represented when a hyena eats a rodent that it has caught? F Scavenger/carrion G Herbivore/consumer H Predator/prey J Host/parasite
What is Predator/prey
The biome with the greatest number of species would also have the greatest variation in -- F solar energy G habitats H annual rainfall J temperatures
What is habitats
Which mRNA sequence complements this section of DNA? GATCCT
What is C U A G G A
The pineal gland produces melatonin during periods of darkness. Which of these events supports the hypothesis that infants begin producing melatonin at about three months of age? F Infants begin to roll over. G Infants nap for three hours each afternoon. H Infants grasp at moving objects. J Infants start sleeping through the night.
What is Infants start sleeping through the night
The colorful petals of a flower benefit a plant by — A absorbing radiant energy B attracting insect pollinators C protecting it from predators D catching windblown pollen
What is attracting insect pollinators
Respiration Rate of a Growing Yeast Culture Time (min) Number of Bubbles per Minute 0 0 1 7 2 10 3 14 4 19 5 24 6 31 7 39 8 48 9 58 10 ?? 36 The chart shows the results of growing a yeast culture in a 10% fructose solution. The number of bubbles produced each minute was used as an indication of the yeast respiration rate. If all other factors remain constant, after 10 minutes the respiration rate will most likely be — F 61 bubbles per minute G 64 bubbles per minute H 69 bubbles per minute J 78 bubbles per minute
What is 69 bubbles per minute
The process of cloning involves making an identical copy of a cell's -- F cytoplasm G DNA H ribosomes J ATP
What is DNA
Dr. F. Agnes Stroud-Lee determines the origins of birth defects by studying chromosome abnormalities. Dr. Stroud-Lee’s research could involve all of these topics EXCEPT — F chemicals that alter the DNA arrangement G plants that show variable rates of photosynthesis H radiation that can pass through cytoplasm J mitosis that produces multiple copies of genetic material
What is plants that show variable rates of photosynthesis
A chemical spill was thought to be responsible for a large fish kill in a river. Which person would most likely determine whether the fish died from being exposed to the chemicals? F Toxicologist G Virologist H Physiologist J Botanist
What is Toxicologist
The human body uses carbohydrates as a — A source of energy B material for muscle production C carrier of oxygen D coenzyme of metabolism
What is source of energy
In a food pyramid, how much energy is available as the energy is passed from one trophic level to another?
What is 10%?
Which of these is required during aerobic respiration? A Boron B Oxygen C Iodine D Nitrogen
What is Oxygen
2 What piece of laboratory equipment is used for dissecting a flower's pistil?
What is a scapel
Which technology contributed most to the development of the cell theory? F Organic stains G Compound microscopes H Heat-resistant glassware J Adjustable gas burners
What is Compound microscopes
Which series of bases will complete this strand of DNA? CATGGC
What is GTAGGC
Day Time Closed Buds Open Blossoms (%) (%) 1 6:00 A.M. 100 0 12:00 NOON 85 15 6:00 P.M. 70 30 2 6:00 A.M. 55 45 12:00 NOON 40 60 6:00 P.M. 25 ?? 42 The chart shows the periodic increases in the percent of open sunflower blossoms found in a meadow. If this trend continues, what percent of the sunflowers will have open blossoms by 6:00 P.M. on the second day? F 70% G 75% H 85% J 90%
What is 75%
After a patient has had hip replacement surgery, which person would most likely assist the patient in regaining muscle tone in the affected leg? F Surgical technologist G Genetic counselor H Diagnostic sonographer J Physical therapist
What is Physical therapist
Nutrition Information Cereal Cereal with (30g) Nonfat Milk (118 mL) Nutrient % Daily Value* % Daily Value* Calcium 2 15 Niacin 2 10 Protein 6 15 Carbohydrate 12 13 According to this label, which nutrient is obtained mainly from the cereal?
What is Carbohydrate