This time signature is known as common time.
What is 4/4 time?
This key signature has no flats and no sharps.
What is the key of C.
This many beats should be in a measure with a 3/4 time signature.
What is 3 beats?
This family of instruments is composed of reed instruments.
What is the woodwind family?
This means to play softly.
What is piano?
This time signature is exactly half of common time.
What is cut time?
This key signature has 2 sharps(#).
What is the key of D?
this note gets the one beat in a 12/8 time signature.
What is the eighth note?
This family of instruments is composed of instruments that must be stuck in order to produce a sound.
What is the percussion family?
This means to play medium loud.
What is mezzo forte?
This time signature is for a waltz.
What is 3/4 time?
This key signature is has 3 flats (b).
What is Eb (E flat)?
This many eight notes makes up a whole note.
What is 8 eight notes?
This family of instruments is made of a metal and is primarily horns.
What is the brass family?
This means to play loudly.
What is fortissimo?
Give an example of simple, duple time signature.
What is 2/4 time?
This is the saying for the order of flat keys.
What is Fit Boys Eat Apples During Gym Class?
This many whole notes equals 32 sixteenth notes.
What is 2 whole notes?
This family of instruments is composed of instruments that need to be bowed, plucked, or strummed to produce sound.
What is the string family?
This means for the note to be played short and snappy.
What is staccato?
Give an example of compound, triple meter.
What is 9/8 time ?
This is the saying for the order of sharp keys?
What is Great Danes Always Eat Big Fat Cats?
6 beats and eight notes Is the correct number of beats and notes for this time signature.
What is 6/8 time?
3 instruments that use single reeds to play sound.
What is a clarinet, saxophone, and a bass clarinet?
This means to sing or play the note with emphasis.
What is an accent?