Founding Fathers
Branches of Gov
Court Cases & Amendments

Our break-up letter with Britain 

Declaration of Independence 


What kind of system of government did the United States start with? What kind of system does it have now? 

Started as a Confederation under the Articles of Confederation. Now we have a federal system


With laws, what role does each branch have?

Legislative: make laws

Executive: enforce laws

Judicial: Interpret laws


This was the first constitution 

Articles of Confederation 


A women is being tried for murder. The prosecuting attorney forces her to take the stand and testify. What amendment can she involk and why?

5th amendment- protects against self-incrimination


What is social contract

an agreement among people in a society and their government that the people will give up some of their rights in order to be protected by their government 


DEEP is an acronym for describing powers. What powers is DEEP referring to? What do the they mean?

Delegated, Expressed and Enumerated Powers are powers that are directly stated in the Constitution for the Federal government 


Which branch has the power to grant pardons, appoint judges and can make treaties

Executive Branch


What piece of the Constitution pushes for popular sovereignty?

The Preamble: "We the people" - the idea that power lies with the people. 


In re gault pushed for what? Which amendment does it align with?

Pushed for due process for all, regardless of age under the 14th amendment which states that anyone born or naturalized are citizens. 

What were the 2 main causes for the colonists declaring their independence from Britain? 

the violation of the colonists rights and taxation without representation 


Who has the power to conduct elections, provide health, safety and education of citizens, and regulate the practice of law and medicine. 

The states under the 10th amendment- keeps all powers not granted to the federal government 


what kind of jurisdiction does SCOTUS have and who hears the case?

Original and appellate jurisdiction and 9 justices hear the case


What were the two reason that the Federalist and Anti-federalist argued?

Anti-federalist wanted the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution to protect the people's rights. Anti-federalist felt the national government was too powerful under the Constitution. 


What do Plessy v. Ferguson do that Brown v. Board of Education reversed? Be specific

Plessy v. Ferguson said that "separate but equal" was legal but it wasn't until Brown v. Board of Education said that segregation was illegal. You cannot separate people based on race. 


Name the four enlightenment documents and their basic principles or what they all have in common 

Magna Carta = rule of law

English Bill of Rights = limited government 

Mayflower compact = self government

Common Sense = independence

All have self-government in common 


List 3 Concurrent powers 

Make and enforce laws

Build Roads 

Collect Taxes

Borrow Money

Maintain a court system

Provide for general welfare


What are 2 ways that the Legislative branch checks on Executive branch 

Can refuse to approve treaties (senate)

Impeachment process (house impeaches, senate has the trial)

Can override veto

Can reject appointments (senate) 


How is amending the constitution different on the state level than on the federal level

On the state level, 60% of the citizens have to vote in agreeance and on the national level 3/4's of states legislature must agree, leaving the people out of the vote. 

List all four amendments that involve voting and a brief description of what they did 

15th = black males can vote

19th = women can vote

24th= eliminated poll tax

26th = 18 years or older can vote 


What documents did John Locke and Baron de Montesquieu influence in our government today?

John Locke influenced Declaration of Independence with "Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness" 

Montesquieu influenced the creation of the Constitution with separation of powers and checks and balances 


What are the 4 main goals of U.S. Foreign policy?

National security 

Promoting world trade

Spreading democracy

World peace


A Bill goes through many process before becoming a law. What is the 2nd through 4th step before reaching the president for a signature? 

After citizens write their representatives 

2- the representative introduces the bill

3-house approves the bill

4- bill goes to the senate for approval

Last step- gets delivered to the president 


What is the structure of the Constitution. Must give specifics numbers and names


7 articles 

27 Amendments - first 10 is the Bill of Rights


Tinker v. Des Monies and Hazlewood v. Kuhlmier dealt with what amendment and how does that directly impact you at this age?

Both dealt with the first Amendment which is the freedom of speech. As a student, you have freedom of speech up until there is a significant disruption to the learning environment 
