Commonly Confused Words
Grammar and Such
Rhetorical Devices
Logic and Informational Text
Brush up on Literature
The cold weather __________ your car engines, so it is important to always let your car warm up before driving in the winter.
What is affects?
Although he is younger than she is, Abigail's little brother is taller than her. The error in this sentence.
What is "her should be she?"
This occurs when an author re-uses the same words or phrases multiple times in a speech. For example: "To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly." (Henri Bergson)
What is repetition?
To make an educated guess using textual evidence.
What is an inference?
When a piece of literature makes a reference to something outside of itself, such as another piece of literature, history, religion, or culture.
What is an allusion?
Nashville is the ___________ of the state of Tennessee.
What is capital?
The candies on the table is to be put in the gift-basket.
What is incorrect subject-verb agreement? is should be are.
This occurs when an author different words to repeat an idea or phrase. It is not the same thing as repetition. DAILY DOUBLE!!!!
What is restating an idea?
Type of evidence in which you have to make an inference from the text, and it is not clearly stated for you.
What is implied evidence?
When I went out of the drawing room, first thing that came into view in the open corridor way was the picture of my brother. [I just got the point why my mother used to see that portrait hours after he was killed in the WWII, and she left only when she saw any one of us coming to her.] I just heard steps and when I looked back, there was nothing that I could see. It was just a feeling of the past. The literary device used here.
What is a flashback?
I didn't realize that so many people would be ________ at the holiday party.
What is there?
This is an important safety issue, that affects many families. The way this sentence should be changed.
What is to remove the comma?
Paul Bunyan is one of America’s great folk heroes. His stories of legend are full of ___________ – in fact he and his great Blue Ox Babe were examples of __________themselves. One story read, "Well now, one winter it was so cold that all the geese flew backward and all the fish moved south and even the snow turned blue. Late at night, it got so frigid that all spoken words froze solid afore they could be heard. People had to wait until sunup to find out what folks were talking about the night before."
What is hyperbole?
If you were to read an informational text that taught you how to knit a scarf step-by-step, what structure would this piece be written in?
What is sequential order?
"The Masque of the Red Death" uses lots of ____________ such as the colors of the rooms and the chiming clock to make it an __________ about how people cannot escape death. DAILY DOUBLE!!!!!!
What is symbolism and allegory?
Sydney always __________ her keys when she is in a hurry to get out the door. DAILY DOUBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is loses?
The two cousins exchange letters with news about the American Revolution and its effects on their lives these letters comprise the format of the novel. The problem in this sentence.
What is a run-on sentence?
Life Is Like an Examination "In a sense, life is like an examination that has only one question--the one that asks why you're taking the exam in the first place. Having been instructed to 'fill in the blank' (an aptly phrased command), you ponder, and then wonder if perhaps the truest answer is no answer at all. But in the end, because there is, after all, plenty of time to reflect and you do want to leave the room, you hunker down and fill in the blank. My own response is hardly profound or incisive: I'm taking the exam because I like writing sentences, and because--well, what else do I have to do?" (Arthur Krystal, "Who Speaks for the Lazy?" The New Yorker, April 26, 1999)
What is an analogy (or simile)
If you were to read an informational text that described what happened to an oceanic ecosystem because of a recent oil spill, this would be the structure of the piece.
What is cause-effect?
This occurs when a piece of literature makes fun of something by using elements of the original thing...for example, think of Saturday Night Live.
What is a parody?
The marching band ____________ the floats in the parade this year.
What is preceded?
My favorite activities in the winter are sledding, ice-skating, and to build a snowman. The error in this sentence.
What is non-parallel structure?
"Ask not what your country can do for you; Ask what you can do for your country." The rhetorical device, other than repetition, that is used here. DAILY DOUBLE!!!!
What is parallel structure? (or parallelism)
If you were to read an informational text that described how an intersection in traffic is dangerous and causes wrecks, and then detailed suggestions of how to remove, change, or add to the intersection to make it safer, it would be this structure. DAILY DOUBLE!!!!
What is problem-solution?
In George Orwell's Animal Farm, the words "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others" are part of the cardinal rules. This is a contradiction.
What is a paradox?