A Prince whose character is marked by every act which define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people. Question: How does this quote reflect the influence of enlightenment ideas on the Founding Fathers? A) They had reservations about self-government. B) They were concerned with property rights. C) They supported individual liberties.
What is they supported individual liberties?
One of the goals of the preamble is to provide for the common defense. What does that mean?
What is to protect the citizens of the US
Which idea is from the Magna Carta? A) The people should be completely free from the government. B) The people should support a strong central government. C) The government should give people a fair and speedy trial.
What is the government should give people a fair and speedy trial?
What check does the U.S. Senate have on the president? A) overriding vetoes B) appointing judges C) declaring laws unconstitutional D) refusing to confirm appointments
What is refusing to confirm appointments?
Which principle supports President Eisenhower’s action to uphold the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision that public schools should be integrated? A) judicial review B) checks and balances C) constitutional government
What is constitutional government?
Which right is an example of an Enlightenment idea? A) Fifth Amendment self-incrimination protection B) First Amendment freedom of speech guarantees C) Second amendment right to bear arms D) Fourth Amendment search and seizure protection
What is First Amendment freedom of speech guarantees?
One of the goals of the preamble is to form a more perfect union. What does that mean?
What is to better unite the states?
Doug: I believe in making laws only when everyone can participate in public decision making.  Nicole: I disagree with you; it is best for laws to be made by the people who have been chosen for that purpose. Which colonial principle is being discussed in the above conversation? A) social contract B) self-government
What is self government?
Which weakness of the Articles of Confederation led to Shays’s Rebellion? A) The national government lacked the power to regulate trade. B) The national government lacked central leadership. C) The national government lacked the power to tax.
What is the national government lacked the power to tax?
Which principle is included in the U.S. Constitution? A) rule of law B) right to vote C) capitalism D) confederalism
What is rule of law?
How are the Enlightenment ideas that influenced the Founding Fathers reflected in modern institutions? A) Colonies have been re-established to preserve popular sovereignty. B) Oligarchies have increased to safeguard natural rights. C) The United Nations promotes universal human rights.
What is The United nations promotes universal human rights?
One of the goals of the preamble is to insure domestic tranquility. What does that mean?
What is to make sure there is peace inside the country?
And as he hath shown himself such an … enemy to liberty, and discovered such a thirst for ... power, is he, or is he not, a proper man to say to these colonies, "You shall make no laws but what I please"? Based on this passage, what does the author think about the king? A) The monarchy creates unlimited government. B) The monarchy supports self-government.
What is the monarchy creates unlimited government?
Which part of the U.S. Constitution states the six purposes of government? A) Bill of Rights B) Article IV C) Preamble D) Article I
What is Preamble?
What was the Anti-Federalists’ greatest concern about ratifying the U.S. Constitution? A) The lack of a federal court system. B) The lack of legislative veto power. C) The lack of a strong military. D) The lack of a bill of rights.
What is the lack of a bill of rights?
One of the goals of the preamble is to provide for the common defense. What does that mean?
What is To protect the citizens of the US?
One of the goals of the preamble is to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. What does this mean?
What is to make sure we and our future children have liberty or freedom?
Which document addressed colonial concerns about English policies? A) Declaration of Independence B) Mayflower Compact C) U.S. Constitution D) Bill of Rights
What is Declaration of Independence?
Headline News: "President Eisenhower sends Federal Troops to Enforce Integration of Schools." Which government purpose identified in the Preamble is reflected in the headline? A) ensure domestic tranquility B) promote the general welfare C) secure the blessings of liberty
What is ensure domestic tranquility?
Which principle does the U.S. Supreme Court apply when it declares an act of Congress unconstitutional? A) separation of powers B) checks and balances C) advice and consent D) executive privilege
What is checks and balances?
Colonial independence,_________, Shays rebellion, & Constitutional Convention. Which event completes the sentence? A) Declaration of Independence B) Articles of Confederation C) Annapolis Convention D) Whiskey Rebellion
What is Articles of Confederation?
One of the goals of the preamble is to promote the general welfare. What does this mean?
What is to make sure the people of the US have what they need to survive?
Why did Parliament eventually repeal the Stamp Act, which taxed goods such as newspapers and playing cards? A) The colonists established a blockade against British goods. B) The colonists started destroying British goods. C) The colonists began boycotting British goods.
What is the colonists began boycotting British goods?
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. Which document contains this passage? A) Declaration of Independence B) Constitution
What is Declaration of Independence?
Why did the Framers require that the U.S. House of Representatives have the sole power to introduce tax bills? A) Laws are easier to debate and pass in the U.S. House of Representatives. B) Members of the U.S. House of Representatives are directly elected by the people.
What is Members of the U.S. House of Representatives are directly elected by the people?