Revolutions I
Heroes & Villains I
Major Wars
Heroes & Villains II
Revolutions II
Protestant Revolution Martin Luther angry at Church for selling of... So he nailed this to the front door of the Church
What is Indulgences 95 thesis
He was assassinated with his wife by a Serbian Nationalist to start WWI Young German Leader opposed Treaty of Versailles; Master Race
Who is Franz Ferdinand? Adolf Hitler
Hitler’s Genocide of many groups, Jews, Poles, Gypsies, handicapped Hitler invades Poland What act signified the start of WWII? How is NM connected to WWII?
What is Holocaust? Hitler invades Poland Bataan Death March; Manhattan Project
American Leader traveled to France, Enlightened by thinkers; based Declaration of Independence on this
What is Thomas Jefferson
Why was the Glorious Revolution so glorious? 3 negative aspects of factory workers
What is Very little violence or bloodshed Answers will vary
Renaissance: Body of water that allowed merchants to trade and build wealth
What is the Mediterranean
Leader of the Soviet Union during WWI; great purge; Gulags
Who is Joseph Stalin?
This War fed by Nationalism and Imperialism; hidden Alliances; Japan was US Ally
What is WWI
Bad Monarchs in France; selfish: bad tax structure
What is King Louis & Marie Antionette
Increase of raw materials and global trade
What is Commercial Revolution
This was a logical procedure for gathering info... Used to prove the sun-centered theory aka
What is scientific method? Heliocentric
Peaceful reformer from India; urged citizens to boycott English goods and merchandise
Who is Mohandis Gandhi?
This War is still not over; just an temporary cease fire(armistence) Who aided the North and who the South?
What is Korean War US South; Soviet/China North
First PM of India; Assassinated by her bodyguards Why?
What is Indira Gandhi They were Sihks; she ordered murder of Sihks
What occurred at the Berlin Conference? How do they lay claim?
What is Rules for division of Africa Declare; provide control plan
This part of society made up 97% of pop of France; rebelled Why did they get angry and rebel?
What is 3rd estate They were the only estate to be taxed
This US President regretted dropping the Atom bombs on Japan even though he warned citizens of attack Where?
Who is Harry Truman? Hiroshima & Nagasaki
Ho Chi Minh united Nationalist from the south and communists from the north to drive out France Why was this war so protested?
What is Vietnam First war on TV
Aiding the fall of communism in Russia was these two policies of Mikhail Gorbachev.
What is glasnost & perestroika
Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in England? What did it have?
What is Fuel - Water and coal; iron ore; rivers; natural harbors
Enlightenment His idea of Gov role is to protect humans natural rights What were 3 rights?
What is John Locke? Life,Liberty,Right to own property
First communist leader of China; gained support of peasants; promoted literacy and food production
What is Mao Zedong
A plan to help aid European countries rebuild a democratic society A collection of Eastern European Communist countries used as a soviet buffer against invasion and democracy
What is the Marshall Plan Iron Curtain
The use of machines to mass produce goods; the movement of people to factories The French word for “let do” meaning Gov not interfere Who?
What is Industrial Revolution Laissez-Faire Adam Smith
Why was King James so disliked in England? What was main goal of English Puritans?
What is he was Catholic To purify Church of Catholic practices