Spelling Errors
Literary Terms
Pronoun Reference
Grammar Grab Bag
Testing Vocabulary
The Westwood students were consentrating so hard on their test that they did not hear Mr. White enter the classroom.
What is the incorrectly spelled word, concentrating?
All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players They have their exits and their entrances. Which literary device is demonstrated in this excerpt?
What is metaphor?
Angel knows that Maya will suffer indigestion if they eat the chocolate-broccoli muffins that Mrs. Curley brought.
What is an incorrect usage of they?
The trombone player in the second row without his hat.
What is a sentence fragment?
A response using evidence from the opposing viewpoint
What is rebuttal?
Mrs. Curley has been rearrannging her classroom.
What is the incorrectly spelled word, rearranging?
After Captain Marvel's haircut he appeared to lose all of his super powers and people began to call him Samson. What literary device is used in the above sentence?
What is allusion?
James told Jesse that he was taking his sister to the prom.
What is a sentence with an unclear pronoun reference?
When the Ladies of Distinction help the community, they wash cars, picked up trash, and mowed some lawns.
What is incorrect parallel structure within a list?
when something is unclear, as in a pronoun
What is ambiguous?
Mr. Taylor's English students wanted to have a giant TV screen instaled in their classroom, but Mr. Taylor told them that would only happen if they all make proficient on the EOC.
What is is the incorrectly spelled word,installed?
Bittersweet A Wise Fool You can save money by spending it You've got to be cruel to be kind These are all examples of which literary device?
What is a paradox?
Mr. Taylor told Mr. Billings that his work in teaching the meanings of foreign words was all for nothing because it will not be on the EOC.
What is the ambiguous pronoun reference, his?
Westwood students are eagerly awaiting the date of the Platinum Prom however, they cannot attend if they do not take their EOC tests on Thursday and Friday.
What is incorrect punctuation?
something taken for granted; a supposition or hypothesis
What is assumption?
Coach Leventhal's soccer team practices consistantly.
What is the incorrect spelling of the word, consistently?
Readers will know this character through his actions and words.
What is indirect characterization?
Coach Taylor was certain that LaDonna could outrun Maya, but she did not agree.
What is the ambiguous pronoun reference, she?
It's time for KeAnna, Maya, and LaDonna to rehearse for there concert.
What is the incorrect usage of there/their?
Do this if you want to use someone else's work in your paper without plagiarizing.
What is citation?
Maya and Yehezkal had trouble differrentiating between the first and third person points of view.
What is the incorrectly spelled word, differentiating?
The letter A in The Scarlet Letter.
What is a symbol?
As Mrs. Curley handed the papers to Maya, she noticed that a large cockroach was under the table and shrieked loudly.
What is the ambiguous pronoun reference, she?
We was going to the library when the truck passed us, so we asked if we could have a ride.
What is incorrect subject verb agreement?
Saying the main points of information briefly and concisely in your own words.
What is summarize?