The Constitution
Early Influences
Constitution Convention

What are Article I, II, III about in the Constitution and what is their purpose? 

Article I - Legislative Branch: Makes Laws 

Article II - Executive Branch: Enforces Laws 

Article III - Judicial Branch: Interprets the Law 


What is the Magna Carta and what principles of government did it establish. 

A charter signed by King John in 1215 that limited the powers of the monarchy. 

Rule of Law, Due Process and Limited Government 


Which philosopher believe you are entitled to Natural Rights ?  

John Locke. 

Describe The 3/5th Compromise. What issue does it solve? 

Argument over how slaves should count towards a states population.
Declare that out of every 5 slave 3 would count towards a states population.


What is the "elastic clause"?

Allows Congress to pass laws that are “necessary and proper” for the benefit of the citizens


Describe Federalism 

Power is divided between the Federal and State Governments.

What was the Mayflower Compact and what did it establish? 

An agreement amongst the adult males to obey the laws. This was the first attempt at Self-Government in the colonies 

Popular Sovereignty , Consent of the Governed 


What are you Natural Rights according to John Locke and how did Thomas Jefferson change it in the constitution? 

Locke - Life, Liberty, Property 

Jefferson- Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness 


Why did the Anti-Federalists insist on a Bill of Rights?

gives certain rights to the citizens of USA and protects us from the national government


The federal government's power to tax citizens is an example of what kind of power?

Concurrent Power 


Describe checks and balances and then provide and example from each of the three branches of government. 

Legislative Branch - Impeachment 

Executive Branch - Veto 

Judicial Branch - Judicial Review 


Define Separation of Powers and what it looks like in our Government 

the split of authority between branches of government (legislative, executive and judicial branches)


Describe Social Contract 

The idea that people give up some of their rights in return for the government to protect their natural rights. 

If the Government doesn't protect citizen's natural right what do they have a right to do? 


List 3 Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation

Unicameral Congress 

No executive branch

No Judicial branch

 Could not enforce laws & taxes


What is Judicial Review? 

Judicial Review allow the Supreme Court to review any court case/law and declare it unconstitutional which nullifies it. 


What is National Supremacy ?

The Constitution and federal laws are the supreme laws of the land. 

Federal> State

Define Civic Duties and Civic Responsibilities and give examples of each. 

Civic Duties  - Things you are required to do - Pay Taxes, Go to School, Obey the Law 

Civic Responsibilities- Thing you should do - Volunteer, Vote , Recycle  


What was the turning point in the Colonist and Great Britain Relationship? Explain Why. 

The French and Indian War the British started imposing taxes on the colonist to pay the war debt. 


What event showed the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation? What did the founding fathers do after this happened?

Shay's Rebellion 

Met in Philadelphia at the Constitutional Convention  


Put The Following events in chronological order. 

Boston Massacre 

Stamp Act 

Signing of the Declaration of Independence 

Boston Tea Party 

Coercive Acts 

The French and Indian War 

French and Indian War 

Stamp Act 

Boston Massacre 

Boston Tea Party 

Coercive Acts 

Signing of The Declaration of Independence 


Describe The Connecticut Compromise 

Include The Plans and what they meant for Representation. 

New Jersey Plan - Favored Small State(Equal Representation) 

Virginia Plan - Favored Big States (Proportional Representation) 

Compromise: House of Representatives would be based of proportional representation & Senate would be Equal. 


Define Popular Sovereignty and Consent of the government and explain why colonist citied these principles as grievances towards king George.   

Popular Sovereignty - Power comes from the people 

Consent of the Government - People must agree to be governed 

Colonists had no say or representation in the British government and did not consent to be governed by a unruly king. 


Explain the Three Events 

- Boston Massacre 

- Boston Tea Party  

- Intolerable (Coercive Acts) 

Boston Massacre - 5 Colonist were killed after a riot broke out between colonists and British soldiers 

Boston Tea Party - Colonist Dumped British Tea into the Boston Harbor 

Intolerable Act- British Response to Boston Tea Party, closed the Boston harbor until all tea was paid for. 


List all 7 Articles of The Constitution 

1) Legislative Branch 

2) Executive Branch 

3) Judicial Branch 

4) Relationship between the states 

5) The Constitution is a living doc and can be changed 

6) National Supremacy 

7) Ratification 9/13


Describe how a Tax Bill Becomes a Law. 

Starts in The House of Representative -> Goes through Committee -> Floor vote -> Senate -> Goes through Committee-> Floor Vote -> President. 
